
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's December Y'all!

We are full blown into December now. Everyone's Christmas lights are up or going up. Christmas carols are playing everywhere and the stores are buzzing with people shopping.

My Christmas list is almost complete which leaves me feeling accomplished. There is always so much I want to do in December but it seems I never have the time to do it. This December seems even more crammed packed since I am fitting in training runs and a half marathon....which is only 12 days away!


I can't believe how fast it has came up. Part of me is nervous, the other part is excited! I'm ready to show that course what's up! 

I have been messaging back and forth with one of my favorite Etsy store friends and she has created me this beautifully UGLY Christmas Tank to sport during my half on the 15th. I can't wait to get my hands on it and ugly myself up some more! I'm telling ya go visit Strong Confident You for your workout tanks!! Ilona is UH-MAZING!

Now onto my Thanksgiving meal recap:
I did really well with eating and I am happy to report only a .5lb weight gain over the weekend. With Thanksgiving and a wedding in one weekend I call that a WIN! 

I'm trying really hard to keep my eating on track this month. I forgot to put somewhere my beginning weight so I'll put it here. My beginning weight before Thanksgiving was 135. Goal weight for jan 1st...135!! Who's with me to NOT gain weight this month? I wanna see some yummy comfort food recipes that aren't bD for your booty! 

Every year some girlfriends and I have a Christmas baking night, we make Oreo balls, Peanut butter Bon bons, peanut butter ritz crackers dipped in chocolate, salted Caramel cake pops, and this year I am thinking of adding cookies to the mix. It is so much fun to just hang out with my girlfriends while baking goodies! Plus they are great gifts for neighbors, mail man, co-workers, etc. Follow me on IG @sweetsouthernmel for pics of that fun night! 

I am also planing the surprise golden ticket night for my babies. We are blessed to be in a neighborhood where lots of people put up lights so right now I am on the final planning stages of surprising them at bedtime with their golden tickets and hot cocoa and taking them on a drive to look at lights. 

So I know this post is a little random and all over the place but that is exactly what my December is. Random and all over the place but at the end of the night it is all about Jesus. While we keep busy running around this Christmas season lets not forget the reason we celebrate and the reason we give at Christmas. We received the most precious gift on that night so long ago and because of that I will celebrate for eternity in heaven with my Lord and Savior! 

Happy December y'all! I'd love to hear what some of your traditions are! 

Much Love, 

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