
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What's Next?

This will be the first year I will have met my fitness goal. I wanted to lose some weight, start feeling better and just be a healthier, fitter me. With 5 weeks left in 2013 I am proud to say that I'm right on track to do that.

My weight has stayed the same for the past 4months but I am continuously seeing little changes in my body. Just last night while I was trying to figure out how to work that little part under my arm on my back my husband responds with "Dang babe, look at all that definition"! That will make a girl feel good, esp when she's looking at the bad and he's seeing the good. 

So where do I go from here. I will run my first half marathon on Dec 15th and I'm feeling pretty confident about it. I did however take a full year to train! Haha pretty sure that's the longest training time ever but hey I got it done! 

I have tried many different workout programs and found some stuff I love and other stuff I didn't care for. I found that if I continued to try to do the stuff I didn't care for I worked out less and less. 

Ex) P90X- I liked it at first but it just became too routine and too boring for me. So I started making excuses, doing less of the workout and eventually just stopped all together. 

Running isn't my favorite thing to do but I see big leaning results when I do it. Weight training I love but often get confused on what to do. I work much better with a plan. So while training for this half I have found a 30day Total body blaster weight program by Jamie Eason. Have I told you how much I love that girls workouts? I LOVED the LiveFit program I did in the spring and this one is it up my alley too. So I am alternating between long runs on the weekend and weight training throughout the week. I'm at about a 70% clean diet and plan on keeping it that way til after Christmas. 

My short term goals are:

*Weigh the same the day after Christmas as I do now
*Finish the half marathon in 2:20 or less
*Continue weight training throughout December

Then I ask myself what's next, what goal will I focus on for 2014? Well after some sole searching and talking with my runner friend I believe I have found my goal. I started researching it a bit and it just seemed like everything was lining up right.  

So beginning Jan 4th I will officially start training for the Covenant Health Full Marathon on March 30th.....EEEEK!!! 


I haven't even finished 13.1 yet but I have full confidence in myself that I can complete this goal.  It is here in my town of Knoxville, Tn and the Knoxville track club meets weekly to train for this race so I will have a group of people and hopefully my running partner to train with.  

I'm excited right now! I'm sure the nerves will sink in come Jan when the long 14+mile runs begin but as of now I am letting this high carry me through December. 

A fellow blogger I follow, MamaLaughlin, just finished her first full marathon and she has been such an inspiration to me throughout this whole process. Maybe it's because she works full time, is a mom of two kids, still finds time for herself and achieves her goals. Just reading about her Full marathon got me so pumped to do one next year! 

So there it is, my short and long term goals, something to look forward too so I never go back to the unhealthy me I was before! 

Stayed tuned come January as I will try my best to lay out my step by step process of what I am doing to train for this full!

Have you ever ran a full before? What are some things I need to know and be prepared for mentally and physically? Wanna make a trip to Knoxville TN to run it with me?? :) 

Happy Thanksgiving peeps! 

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Great post! You will do awesome at your half, can't wait to hear about it!
    I'm not sure I want to do a full .... right now anyways. Sometimes I feel like a half is just about all I can take. I hope to run about 5 ish next year. Although, sometimes I feel like, I would hate it if I built myself up to a half, and didn't even attempt a full. We will see. If I did one, it'd be next fall, so I will wait until after my half in the spring. In Raleigh, nc, if you are close?
