
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The One Series Winners (for real this time)

Hey ya'll!!This is going to be short and sweet tonight. 

I am working for a girlfriend at another dr office and I am twice as busy and do not have my computer. :( WAH WAH WAH!

With that being said I have been super tired as I scanned 22 patients today and ran 2 miles on my lunch. 

This momma is wore plum out.

Anyways in my stupper of putting the last post together I totally realized I didn't display the winners on the rafflecopter! OMG, I swear if I get out of routine then it messes everything up!

So without further adue adoo ahdu how the heck do you spell that word?  HERE THEY ARE

CONGRATS to SARAH HANNON You won the Signed copies of The One's Series by Laural Ulen Curtis

A 2nd CONGRATS to LAURYN ROTH!! You won eCopies of The One Series!

Please email me at within 72hrs to claim your prizes :)

Now if you are up for another awesome WorkOut Giveaway then please head on over to my BBFF Mere's Blog IS THIS THING ON?! She just posted a great giveaway today with super duper easy entry! Plus she is just plain fantastic and you need to check her out!

Now I am off to bed! Big day at Splash Country tomorrow with both myself...oh what was I thinking?! EEEEK If I don't make it back alive you all were wonderful readers ;)

Oh and are you following me on IG? If not you totes should because that is where most of my posts start! @sweetsouthernmel

Sweet Dreams,


  1. I am jealous of your job! I have always wanted to do that, but no chance in going back to school for it. I'm all schooled out! I will just live through you. :) have fun tomorrow!!

  2. Hi Mel - I'm loving your blog - so much great info and inspiration! I enjoy it so much that I nominated you for a Liebster Award . . . if you want to play along, please check out my blog!
