
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Clean Eating & Jamie Eason & Giveaway Winners!

Well I completed the Jamie Eason LiveFit program on Saturday. I was happy but also sad to see it end.

This 12 week program is probably the longest program I have ever done and stuck too. It workouts changed every 2 weeks so I didn't get bored. In the beginning the 4 days a week I thought was a little amount but man did I miss those short weeks come week 9-12!

My weight is has stayed the same for the past web weeks but my body has seen huge changes. Even before I had kiddos my weight hovered around 130. If I could get the 127 I was doing good. I was in a size 6 and medium tops. Well now staying around 134 I am in a size 4 and wear mostly small tops and dresses! SCORE!

I highly encourage you to add lifting into your workout regimen. It has changed my body drastically.

Before and After! The picture is a little hard to tell but the black bathing suit is actually a litle big!

I will do some more Before/After pics of muscles that I have seen huge changes in hopefully this week sometime!

Throughout the past 12 weeks I have also been running (more in the beginning but less now) and did a squat challenge and a AB Challenge. I have ate about 70/30 paleo and am now getting through a clean eating challenge.

So lets move on to the challenge.

Last week was awful! It started with prepping for the Memorial Day Bash. I didn't have time to food prep for us for the week so I decided we would just wing it.....that was a bad idea. I did great for breakfast, forgot to eat snacks, and did bad for lunch and semi ok for dinner. Then we made a trip to Dunkins Donuts on Saturday, holy cow batman that was the most delicious bad decision I have made in 3 months!

So we (the hubs did better than I last week but still wasn't as good as the first)said this week we would do better. Only 1 trip to the New Mexican Restaurant is in our future for this week. I did food prep yesterday and made my menu from last week. I had most of the stuff and we had the Zuchinni for dinner yesterday and have leftovers tomorrow. It was delicious!

Here is the link to last weeks Clean Eating Menu I am using.

For June I have started Jillian Michaels 30Day Shred, I am doing the mile a day Challenge and I am restarting the Squat Challenge. I decided against the Arm Pyramid Challenge for this month only because I didn't realize that the Shred has a lot of muscle work in it. I had never done it before and don't want to over do it!

26days til I leave for the beach 
so I gotta make each one count!

How are you all doing with your fitness programs this summer? It is the hardest time for me because I love summer and all the stuff that comes with it! Camp fires, pool time, wine, birthday parties and vacation!

Stay strong and imagine where you will be at the end of summer!

Here is a little Food Prep for ya! If you aren't following me on IG ya totes should! @sweetsouthernmel

Left is Jamie Eason Protein Bars (these are actually really good) & Zucchini Lasagna. Top right is veggies and fruit for the week. Bottom right is almonds with raisins (the hubs fave snack)

Each bag of veggies and Container of fruit is to last us 2 days

That Lasagna was delicious! These recipes on linked on my Week 2 Clean Eating Menu

I have not tried this yet but it is the Honey Chipolte Ground Chicken that we will have for lunch with homemade quacamole and sweet potato! The hubs said it was good but a bit spicey! (I even halved the red pepper) 
Can't wait to try it tomorrow!

I hope you all have a great week and forgive me if my posting is off a bit! I go to my first short week this week and I have loads of fun stuff planned for the kiddos and I!

Much Love,
Oh yeah! Who wants to know who won The One Series Book Giveaway?? If you didn't win please go over and buy her books on Amazon now!! You won't be disappointed! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. your comparison pics are awesome!! weight lifting really does change the body, its super cool. Loved seeing your food, those protein bars look like brownies, yum!!!!!
