
Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekly Goals Link-Up Party

GOOD MORNING FELLOW PEEPS!! I am awful happy and chipper for it to be a Monday morning. No reason, just happy to be alive and well!

Today I am going to link up with Jess over at Operation Skinny Jeans and set my weekly goals.

Operation Skinny Jeans

I set a main goal, 130 by May. Yikes that's only 8 days away and sadly I don't think I am going to make it. I knew it would be a tough goal to do since my normal plateau is 134. I always always always have trouble dropping below that number but here lately I have become a workout junkie. Not a bad problem to have I guess.

Like Jess said in her last blog, we all have bad weeks just as long as we don't let them turn into bad months then we will keep moving forward.

I had a bad week 2 weeks ago and I am determined to not fall off the bandwagon. Summer time is always the hardest for me since there is so much I do outside and with the kiddos I just don't make a lot of time for myself to workout. That WILL change this year.

So in my quest to stay on track I am going to set weekly goals for myself then rehash them out here every Monday to see how well I did!

Here is my weekly goals:

1. InstaGram more of my food pictures for accountability (crap I already ate my eggs this morning....starting that at lunch time)

2. Do NOT miss a single workout - this one can be tough come the weekends because there is a hundred other things I can think of that need to be done.....6 days-none missed Getter' Done

3. Spend more quiet time with the Lord. This is a personal one but one that has been convicting my heart pretty hard here lately.

Goal Check out some of these other awesome bloggers over at Operation Skinny Jeans!

Thanks for the great Link Up Lady!!


  1. Stopping by from Jess's link-up! I love the foodie pics on IG idea--good way to stay accountable! I always have such a hard time making my food look like palatable, though! Somehow it all looks like vom! :-/

    1. I find that if I don't post pictures of my food I am def more likely to cheat! But I do agree trying to make my food look appealing is always a challenge! :)

  2. Those are GREAT goals! Thanks for linking up with me :D

    I know what you mean about getting stuck at a plateau. I feel like i have been in the 250's for like 3 months. ugh.

    I will definitely check out your instagram!

    Operation Skinny Jeans

    1. Thanks for posting it! It's a great way to help with accountability!
