
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Does Your Love Reach Around the World?

If you are reading this then I am sure you have heard of Operation Christmas Shoe Box. You know the event every Christmas where thousands of churches and organizations all over the USA participate in filling shoe boxes for poverty stricken areas of the world.

Let me say I am not "dissing" OCSB. I think it is a wonderful event that teaches us along with our children how to give to those in need. However I have heard from people who have worked with this event before that not everything that gets put in those boxes makes it to the children. Not from the volunteers stand point but from going through customs in other countries. Items get taken out, sold or who knows what. It truly is a sad world we live in.

This does not mean that we should stop giving because we shouldn't and my children will always fill a shoe box each year for a child in need however I would like to put more of my time and emphasis in a group where I can see more first hand that every single item is going to where it is supposed to. One where every penny donated is used for the children, their education, their health and their safety.

I love this little boy to pieces and it warms my heart
he is wearing one of Kinleys shirts!
If you have been following my blog for a while now then you have read about the Christian School and Orphanage that has my heart, Orbit Village. There is so many reason why I love this ministry. It is where my sponsor child David it, I personally know the founder of Orbit, Cyndy Waters. And just recently I have been asked to join the Orbit Village Board as the Zawadi leader. What a huge blessing and undertaking all at the same time. This means that 500+ children who look forward to Zawadi every year are counting on me to make Zawadi better than the last.

Zawadi is a ministry where each child receives a personalized bag full of school supplies, a book, a toy, lip gloss for older girls, flashlights for the older boys, a stuffed animal and other goodies. Most importantly though when the children receive their bag there is some one there to talk to them about Jesus. To show them that Jesus loves them and uses other people to show them love too.

Here is the difference between those children and the 500+ children at our local schools. Those children don't long for Ipods, TV's in their rooms, four-wheelers, IPads, etc like what our children here do. The children at Orbit long to know that they are loved, even by those who have never met them before. They want the comfort in a teddy bear and the softness of just 1 new pair of socks. They would love to have shoes that have a sole in them still and just a single matchbox car MAKES THEIR DAY.  All the while though even without all this they go around with a smile on their face, making the best of each day God has given them.

That is why part of my heart lies in Africa.

I long to go there and see the smiles cross their faces when they open their Zawadi bags.

For the first time since Zawadi began we are packing the bags right here in Sevierville, TN then air shipping it all to Africa. Cyndy, the founder, travels with and has a team waiting in Africa to get the bags and take them to the school.

All the items go directly to the kids!

I would love for you to get involved! You can sponsor a childs' bag for $25. This covers items in the bag and shipping. If you sponsor a bag you will also get a letter back from the child who receives your bag!! What wonderful blessings all around! Go check out the website here and help me spread the word about this awesome ministry!
(when going to the form on the website to donate, in the box for prayer requests please type "for Zawadi" in it)

Will you let your love reach around the world? I'm sending mine, you should send your too!! 

**These pictures are from the children receiving their bags last year Zawadi**

Join our facebook group here to see the pictures and get updates from the happenings with Zawadi.

We are packing the bags this Saturday so look back next week for pictures from Packing Day


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