
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Christmas Angel Days 1-4

It's 3 weeks til Christmas...3 weeks people!! Wow where does the time go? Here I thought I would be a week ahead since Thanksgiving seemed to be a week early this year but it just seems like I am further behind...oh well such is life!

The Christmas Angel and Elfie arrives at our home Saturday morning. Kinley was so excited to have Elfie back, Laniebug doesn't really pay much attention but hey she's only 16months old.

The Angel leaves her messages written in Gold Sharpie on black paper with the theme of the message in the gold dust! She's very nice is helping to keep the mess down as much as possible. I also love how she is getting Elfie involved in her actions of giving.

I will try to update every few days with what all they both have been up to! I can already see such a change in Kinley. He very willingly took snacks yesterday to his friends at school! I love seeing him have such a giving heart for others!

Day 1-  Eflie brought Snow Covered Donuts from the North Pole and The Christmas Angel brought a paper nativity set to go with her book and learning about the Birth of Jesus!

Our first message was to pack up a Christmas box for David, he is our sponsor child in Africa, you can read David's story here. I am so happy to see how after the first package we sent Kinley was so excited to fill a box full of candy, cloths and toys that David would like! I hope they get to meet one day!

Day 2- Elfie wasn't feeling well today so our message of giving was to make food for someone who is sick! So that's just what we did!!

Day 3-  Share snacks with our friends at School!

Day 4- Give Love, Give 5 friends hugs today! Simple yet so meaningful!

Follow me on Instagram @punkslilangel for the daily pictures of Our Christmas Angel and Elfie!

If you don't have one right now it's not too late to get your Christmas Angel and get this tradition started. You will be surprised how much it will change not only the way your children think of Christmas but the way you do as well! If you are in the Knoxville/Sevierville area email me at and I will hook you up with one and save ya some on shipping! If you are not in these areas you can order online here! Just be sure to let me know you ordered one!!

On a side note the hubs and I have been working viciously to get this toy room done and it is in the final stages of completion! Be looking for the Toy Room Overhaul post next week!

Merry Christmas Ya'll!!


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