
Friday, December 7, 2012

Giving It All Away

My heart has been opened so much this past month that it is beyond words to even describe the feelings that I am having.

When I started the Month of Thanksgiving it didn't go as well as I had planned. Life just got in the way and all the plans I had of people to Give Thanks too didn't happen. I was sad that I had failed at the first big giving event I had planned to do but then I realized...maybe my plan wasn't God's plan. I prayed asking that he would show me who needed help and that he would give me the willingness to do it.

I have helped people before, done *NICE* stuff for others but there has been a difference. I did it because I was asked to not because I seen a need and decided to fulfill it. I did it because I wanted to but still there was that little feeling inside me that held back. Hoped for some acknowledgment, thanks, maybe something in return. So you know this is hard for me to type, it's hard to admit that I would selfishly do stuff for others. I know though that I am not alone in this. We all want to be willing but how do we do that? Well I want to share with you a few things.

The one thing I did that I hadn't done before was pray. Now I pray all the time but never specifically for giving. I prayed that God would show me who needed help, how I could best help them and then most of all lay it on my heart to do so unselfishly. Oh how he done that and even more! It is better to give than receive and now I am experiencing the true meaning of that. There has been a few times when God has laid it on my heart to do something for someone. Something they might not have even asked for but the reward of listening to his call has been amazing. He has used me as His Light, His messenger and I hope that with each step I take I am portraying a heart like Jesus.

I can honestly say that when I do something now I do not want any glory...I actually would like to do a lot of it without people even knowing where it came from. I give God all the glory because He is the one who has opened my eyes and made my heart be full of love for His people.

I played the lottery a few weeks ago, you know when it was like 500m, and for the whole day I just daydreamed of what I would do with all that money. It was the first time that my daydreams involved building walls and schools in Africa, helping the homeless here, purchasing homes for single mothers in need. I just kept seeing all these people I could help and would want to help. However I didn't win so they are going to have to settle for food, toys and prayer! ;)

Once God opens your heart to giving and you unselfishly give him the lead over it you will be amazed by how blessed you will be from doing for others. You will see through a new light and be touched by the smallest thing.

You have heard me talk much about David, my sponsor child in Africa. Well I had forgot that every year you can sponsor a family in Africa's Christmas dinner. Last year we bought one for a family. The meal included a chicken (alive), wheat, flour, mil, a loaf of bread, mangoes, pineapple, cake, onions, tomatoes, oranges, taters, bananas, and more.

All the families had their pictures taken with their meals and then they wrote a letter to the family who sponsored it. Yesterday I received a picture David had colored for me, some smaller pictures that he drew and then a letter from the family who received the Christmas basket we sponsored last year. Looking at those pictures and reading those letters just melted my heart. These people don't know me and I don't know them but they have been touched by how Jesus is using me to reach out to them. I do love them all and pray that these simple measures will speak Jesus name and honor him with each act I do.

Here are the pictures and letters that I received!

I can just see him setting there drawing this for us!

Him and his sister!

Oh He loves to Sing...he really was meant to be my sponsor child!

I hope that her year has brought so much joy to her!

If you would like to sponsor a child or just give one time for the Christmas baskets 2012 go here and get in contact with Cyndy Waters, the owner/operator of Orbit Village or go to the website to give! You will be blessed beyond measure!

Happy Friday Ya'll


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