
Friday, February 10, 2017

The House that Built US Week 2

It amazes me the excitement I feel from all the little things! 

First of all I am happy to report that the HOA president spoke with the neighbor. His response was "he was confused" on where our house sit. 😒 Yeah, it only had 12 stakes and string wrapped all the way around it but whatever dude! Hopefully he learned that we weren't going to be easy to bully.

Yes this is a picture of the Temp Pole ;)
Not a whole lot of big physical changes happening but we have had some great things going on! The electric company came out and set the temp pole, the surveyor came out and set the house in the area we had staked out and he used a lot more stakes! It was so neat to be able to go over and "walk over my front porch" then "walk up to my front door". 

Not our MB Closet but the look we are going for minus the island
and the
We had some debate over where we are putting our washer and dryer so we spent the better of one night measuring out our master bedroom closet and seeing how it would go best. I have to say this is one of the things I am most excited about! I have always thought it made the most sense to have the W&D closest to the majority of the clothes and towels I use and wear! We have extended our MB closet to run the entire length of our MB and will have the W&D at the end of it! 

We went to floor decor again last weekend and I picked out a tile for my foyer. I LUUURRRVVVEEE it!!! 

This morning the Tuckaleechee water company called me (this is where I went last week to pay them to set the tap). When she told me who she was I immediately felt my stomach drop...what's wrong?!?! 
She proceeded to tell me that the man went out to set the tap and there was already one there! YAY but not only that she was sending us our money back! SAY WHAT?!?! That is just a PRAISE GOD moment right there y'all!! They made a trip and didn't even charge us for it!! I will take more phone calls like that in the future please!

We met with the contractor tonight and all that we are waiting on is the phone call saying her can pick up our building permit. We are on the schedule to break ground Monday or Tuesday of next week. 😄

Those 4 stakes in the middle will be my front door

Lotsa stakes

We are trying to decide on a front door now so I am off to the door store for books and prices today. I have in mind what I like but sometimes my taste can be a little on the pricey side but here is to sticking to the budget given to me! 🍷

So far the hubs and I are agreeing on about 99% of everything we discuss and things we pick out. I know there is a lot more to come but I really am excited to do this with him. Our taste is very similar and that makes things so much less stressful and if I tell him it saves us money I don't think he would much care what it was at all! LOL I just ask that you continue to pray for us as we walk this journey together. I pray this will strengthen our marriage and it will be one more thing that makes me admire and love my husband even more than I thought I possibly could. 😘👫

Also please pray that as we begin to break ground next week we will not run into any problems such as rock or stone in the ground that could really hurt us. I don't believe we will have that issue but that is probably my biggest fear at this moment. Thanks you all!! 

Til' next week,

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