
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The House that Built Us -The Beginning

Holy Cow it's been a while since I sat down to write on this sweet little blog that I still hold dear to my heart. I have so many memories and ideas typed on these pages that each hold a special place in my life. I've shared ideas, successes and failures. I hope I was an inspiration more often than now and I'm sure at times I probably shared to much. I can only hope that even in the craziness of it all you could see a woman who loves the Lord yet is just a sinner who needs that Savior every. single. day.

As my husband and I quickly approach our 11 year anniversary I look back on all the changes in our marriage. In ways we have grown closer and more alike, then in ways we have grown different...not apart, just different that those two young kids. 

*SIDE NOTE* I remember when we were dating we would spend countless hours working jigsaw puzzles together. No joke I remember coming home on night at like 1 or 2 and my parents asking what in the world we were doing...well we were working that awesome puzzle. Yep the whole time we worked a puzzle, together. It was love or we were aged beyond our years! ;) PS I need to find that puzzle, I'm sure we still have it because over the last 11years I have realized my husband is a hoarder. ;)

Over the years I have had a dream, I'm definitely the dreamer and he is the realist. When we bought this little house almost 11years ago it was a starter home that we planned to be in for about 5 years. Well we have double those years and doubled in size of our family. Over the years I have spoken of my desire to build our own home but it's never been more than just a dream...until here recently. 

To make a long story short after 11years of marriage, two kids and multiple job changes we are taking a leap of faith and building our forever home. Well the home we plan to be in forever unless God has other plans, which in that case it will be our For-now home. :)

For the past 5months we have looked at homes but none of them felt right, then we looked at lots, lots and lots of lots. We picked out house plans that we both agreed on (surprising that was pretty easy) then we had to pick a lot that was appropriate for our home. 

The lot choice was more difficult to decide on because we wanted to be in a specific location, where our children could remain at the same school yet we could have the same zip code. Then we wanted to build in a neighborhood that was a good place for our children to be able to ride their bikes and play outside without as much worry with fast vehicles running up and down the street.

We looked and we prayed and we looked and we prayed, had a few heated discussions that were quickly resolved then we finally found it. We made an offer and they accepted and just like that we were land owners! I'm pretty sure signing over the check to that piece of property was more nerve wracking than going in to deliver a child. So many "What If" questions, what if it wasn't the right lot, what if we should wait, what if, what if, what if. But at the end of the day, we prayed and put many stipulations on the purchase of that land and every step of the process (well almost every step) went very smoothly! We signed the papers, took some pictures, handed over the biggest check I've ever wrote (total gut punch) and BAM it was ours! 

After the completion of the land purchase, we ordered official plans, had a third meeting with our builder to make a few changes, got the deed to the property in and are well on our way to breaking ground. 

I have been told that building a house can be detrimental to a marriage. I can see why, so many decisions to be made that can drastically change the rest of your life. However I do not want to go into building this house separately but I want this house to be another piece of the puzzle that build US.

We are not those two crazy, wild, carefree kids we were 11 years ago. This journey through adulthood and parenthood has beautifully built US. There isn't a day goes by that I am not thankful for this man that God designed just for me. He doesn't ground me but he lets me fly and is there to catch me when I fall. He supports me yet brings me back to reality when I start to get too carried away. He is the perfect piece to my puzzle. 

I have blogged many wonderful moments of my life, some for you all and some for myself. I not only want to share this with you but want to have a log of memories from this process. A friend of mine blogged her journey of building with her husband and it was so sweet to read and be a apart of. I'm sure she will cherish this sweet memories as she builds a life in her new home with her family. 

Over the next 6-8months I will try to share weekly updates on anything new happening at the new Cobb family homesite! I ask that you will be in pray for me and my family as we go through this process. Pray it will teach us patience (me in particular), love, grace and compromise. Pray we will see God's hand at work in us and that he will bless our new home to be a place where love and grace abounds endlessly.

Much Love Friends,

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