
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Countdown

Well most people around the world are on the countdown to Christmas. 

I am on a countdown but not to Christmas yet. I'm not the best multitasker...I can fake organization like no other but somehow in my mind things seem to get jumbled and I get stressed. I love this time of year but quite honestly I'm excited to get this coming weekend over. 

I run my first half marathon on Sunday. 

Now let me clarify I am beyond thrilled to finally be "ready" to run 13.1 miles. I have trained and trained for this day. I am excited to feel that adrenaline rush when the gun goes off and  get that runners high when I finish. But with Christmas coming and all the fun things we do as a family during this month it has almost put a damper on my excitement for my race. When I'm running I feel like I should be doing more Christmas activities at home or preparing my house for the abundance of company that comes to visit over Christmas. Then when I am doing those things I start wondering, "Should I be doing some more training to be sure I am prepared for this race". Maybe everyone goes through this before their first race. The questions

 "Can I do this?"

"Am I really ready?"

"Will I be able to finish?"

Ugh I just wish my mind would stop racing!! 

So there you have it. The final week before my longest run ever and I'm torn between two of my favorite things! Running and Christmas,  I specifically picked this race because it was durning my fave holiday! No better race to run right? <insert exhausted voice>

Ok so enough of my rambling and let me tell you about my week to come! I am already over indulging on some of the Christmas treats, I'm trying to do a 5 day sugar detox since next Monday when us girls have our Candy baking night I will consume more sugar than any one person should consume in one day (I atleast did that right and planned it AFTER my race). But dag on its hard though because everywhere I look is goodies!!

This Thursday is our annual Kids Night. We all know how expensive Christmas can get. Even if you make your own gifts, it can still get expensive. Last year we wanted to do something for those friends in our life who are always there for us when we need them. The ones who you might not talk to for a few weeks but are there for you the minute you call. However we have a good amount of friends like this so it was going to be expensive to buy for all these people. So the hubs and I decided to offer our friends a "Free Night". We do a kiddie Christmas party (crafts, pizza, hot cocoa and we have a special surprise planned for this year) and our friends get to drop their kids off and go have a night out on the town or at home in the peace and quiet! It is a win win because it doesn't break out budget and it allows them an evening to get last minute Christmas presents or wrap presents without trying to find a babysitter! 

I have to admit as the kids get older, it gets funner and I can't wait for this Thursday. 

We are also staying at the Wilderness Lodge this Saturday since the race is so early on Sunday. They have the indoor waterpark so that will be a nice mini getaway with the kiddos this weekend! 

Any last minute tips for this half marathon momma? 

My plans are doing a short 2-3 mile run this week and a yoga workout Friday for stretching. I'm cutting out my leg days because I don't want to wear myself out before Sunday! 

BTW I started a Jamie Eason 30day workout...I love it! My upper body I do at home then I go to the gym for Leg days. I seem to push myself harder at the gym on leg days then I do at home. Plus it's nice to just get in to that gym mentality. 

Now I'll leave you with a few pics from out Christmas fun this past weekend! 

We love bass Pro Shop at Christmas! 

Getting excited to see Santa! 

This coat was mine from when I was a little girl!! I love that it fits her now! I'm going to find the picture of me in it one of these days! 

I can't believe we didn't have any tears shed! (We totally bribed her with candy canes) IT WORKED! 

Y'all have a great week! I'll be back next week with a Kids Night post and a Half Marathon RECAP!! 

Merry Christmas, 

1 comment:

  1. what a great idea for your friends, good luck on your race!
