
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I'm Baaaaccck

Of course the day i decide to write my flippin' blogger wont work on my computer!! aarrgghh Bare with me since this will be coming from my phone!

I can't believe it's been a month since I've written! So much has went on and kept me so very busy but ill just give you a glimpse of it! 

First we had a family vacation to the beach. It rained for 4 days.... Two kids at the beach in a camper and it rained and rained. Very annoying but luckily my parents were with us and did a very wonderful job of helping with the kiddos and keeping them occupied and keeping the hubs and myself from going totally bonkers! 

Vacation wouldn't be complete without my daddy building some sort of sand animal. Then some little brat cane running through it...people control your kids! Ugh

This year was probably the most comfortable I've ever been in a kini' at the beach. I worked hard and an proud of where it got me...then I ate like crapola and am now getting back on track but that's another post. 

We fed the ginormous swans that would come eat out of your hands! The kids lived it until they got out of the water and the kids realized the swans were bigger than them! 

After vacation came fun time with friends at the Aquarium!

Cow appreciation day= FREE food at Chick-Fil-A

More fun at Dixie Stampede with friends!! 

I found out I'm going to be an AUNT!!! This is my first niece/nephew from my brother!! 
This will be their first gift! Hahaha 

Safety City fun last week! This was such a neat place! I felt like I was walking around Mr. Rogers neighborhood. 

Christmas in July at Chick-Fil-A = More FREE food!! 

I found a new wine love 😍 

Now I'm prepping for Lanies 2nd birthday party this Saturday!! I can't believe my baby will be TWO but I hope she loves her Minnie Mouses Bow-Tique party! 

Here's a sneak peak, full party post will be up next week!! 😀

Yep all that and more in the past 4 weeks!! Eek 😳

Now what's in store for the future.

Next Monday I will begin P90x. In very nervous about this because of the time dedicated 6days a week. However I need a structured workout to do, and it seems like I do best with that. Jamie Eason's LiveFit was a perfect beginners workout and I think I'm ready to progress. I am also going to try to stick to the nutrition guide which will probably be even more challenging for me! 

I will post my before pics, measurements and weight on Monday then try to update every 2-3 weeks!! 

I have also decided on another huge leap for my fitness routine but ill save that for another post!! 

Would you like to join me on my P90x challenge?? I'd love to get a mini support group started on FB and maybe even a texting group where we all encourage each other and offer advice, support and sometimes the kick in the butt you need to get moving! Email me at sweetsouthernmel(at)gmail(dot)com to join in! 
Plus follow me on IG for meals and workout pics because we all know its not official until you've taken a picture! 😉

Until next time ladies!!!

Peace & Love,


  1. LOVE that you're back, I've been wondering where you were :) Glad to get motivated again by you again. Not sure about P90X but may check in once school gets back in the swing of things!

    She's Got Goals

  2. Welcome back! I've been doing P90X, but very casually...I'm in!
