
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday Workout Recap

Is it Wednesday already? This week has me all jacked up!!

Next week I start getting Wednesday off of work. My work is so graciously letting me takeWednesdays in addition to Friday for the summer.

YAY for an extra summer play day!!

If you weren't aware, I am a full time working momma. My husband works full time as well but my income is too much to lose. We could do it if I decided to stay home but it would take away every little extra penny we have meaning no vacations, no trips to putt putt, no movies, no date nights, no big birthday parties, etc. These are some of the best memories I have with my children therefore this lifestyle works best for us. Plus Kinley is in Pre-School and Laniebug has the very best sitter in the world so we are very blessed.

This will be my last consistent WorkOut Recap post. I finish up Jamie Eason this week and with me having all day on Wednesdays with my babies I most likely be doing all the fun stuff of summer. I will try to continue to post my workouts but they prob won't be in the form of a full post. On the good side though I have made a new blogger friend and we are working on a cool link up for you all!! YAY!! While your at it go check our Mere's blog here and read or funny So What... Link-Up She's a preatty funny gal and we are actually a lot a like! I think I found my BBFF (Best Blogger Friend Forever, duh)

Recap May 20th-26th

Monday- Jamie Eason Live Fit Day 71 (Legs)
50 Squats
Day 20 AB Challenge phase 2
Tuesday- Jamie Eason Day 72 (Back, Abs & Cardio)
50 Squats
Day 21 AB Challenge phase 2


Wednesday- Jamie Eason Day 73 (Chest, Calves & Cardio)
15min Elliptical
Day 22 AB Challenge-Rest

Thursday- Jamie Eason Day 74 (Arms, Abs & Cardio) 
Day 23 AB Challenge phase 2
2miles on the Dreadmill for Sprints
Friday-Jamie Eason Day 75 (Shoulders & Cardio)
20min on Elliptical
Day 24 AB Challenge phase 2

Saturday- Jamie Eason Day 76 Cardio-30 minutes
Day 25 AB Challenge Phase 2
PR'd my 5K 26:56

Sunday- Jamie Eason Day 77 REST
Day 26 AB Challenge Rest

Since Jamie Easons LiveFit end this Saturday I have been trying to decide what I am going to do next. I am thinking that Jillian Michaels 30Day Shred but I also do not want to give up lifting so I came up with an "ARMS Pyramid" workout. Two Options for this, with or without weights. They vary a bit though so be sure to look closely at each one.
I think I will make the Arm Pyramid a 30 Day Challenge for me personally only taking Sundays off. I also am going to start running more sprints and try to lower my 5k time. I am not running a half until December so I think if I can improve my time for short runs now it will help me get a better time for my first half.

Check Back tomorrow for the ARM PYRAMID CHALLENGE!

Don't forget to go check out the lovely SkinnyMeg for her Sexy Back Workout! Well the lovely blogger is not letting me link to her page or add her link up in here but you can check her out at CURSE YOU BLOGGER!!!

Ok so beside the workout stuff what would be some things you would like to read about?? I have a few ideas but would love to hear from my readers if there is anything in particular that you would like to read. Any questions to answer? You can leave them in the comments or email them to me at



  1. I love the Jillian Michael's workouts. My favorite is her ripped in 30 or shred with weights. Both good stuff. The weights one is supposed to be done with kettlebells (but you can use dumbbells--so it would still incorporate weights for you!

  2. i did the 30 day shread till day 17 it really does work i just didnt loose any weight lol BUT id love to hear more about your debt dumping and your budget, we are working on ours!! Also any of your favorite foods/snacks or what you eat at a restaurant

  3. How awesome to get another day off! Woot woot!!
    Now that you are done with the program, what are you doing next?? I'm still working on 30 DS!
