
Monday, April 29, 2013

Sweet Mel's Summer ABs Challenge

Sweet Southern Mel

Yep, I'm doing it again and won't you please grab this button and join me????

Adding one more thing to my already strenuous workout but hey, a great body and healthy lifestyle wasn't born by only doing the minimum.

I'm halfway through the Squat Challenge and I am seeing HUGE changes in my booty! WOOP WOOP! 

I begin Phase 3 of Jamie Easons LiveFit Program next week plus I am still doing some running! 

With all the changes I have seen in my body over the past couple months I am least satisfied with my abs. I have def lost weight and inches around my tummy but there is not a lot of definition...that MUST change!

A girl from my ever-loving fit camp group on FB sent me this AB Challenge that her boot camp instructor gave to her. I was instantly in love!

It looked TOUGH


it wasn't TOO long

it was broke down into 3 parts!


A HUGE thank you to Crystal Britton for making my life 1000x easier by sending me this! 

Ok so here is how it will work!

It will be 3 Phases, each 2 weeks.

The first week you will repeat the set of exercise 1 time, the second you will repeat it 2 times. *Meaning Week 1 & 3 you will do 2 Sets of the exercise, Weeks 2, 4, 5 & 6 you will do 3 sets* (this will be on the pics for you all)

It will get tough but take your time. Do NOT sacrifice form for speed. This isn't a race, its about working those abs muscles and gaining a defined tummy just in time for bikini season! 

Do NOT forget though...You CAN'T OUT TRAIN A BAD DIET and that belly fat is mostly diet! This is just to help form those muscles underneath and if you diet right they will start showing in no time!

I will post all 3 Phases on the blog on Wednesday along with a beginning weight, measurements and before pictures! 

<INSERT> Here is Phase 1 so you can get an idea of what we will be doing... 

If you would like to help motivate someone to start this please  share share & share!! Also email me your before picture, you don't have to include your face, bottom or name just a picture of your abs! I will share it on the blog and IG and then we can all compare our "After" pics in 6 weeks! 
Sometimes you might not want to share your before on your personal IG or FB page but still need the accountability! I will do it for ya and namsies realeased! ;) email me them at

One more thing...just to clarify I am going to complete the Squat Challenge 

I will complete JE LiveFit Program as well. I just need something to get my abs working overtime before summer!

If you are on IG follow me @sweetsouthernmel and #SSMelsSummerAbs for the challenge

If you are participating post your Instagram name in the comments below and lets try to link everyone up!! 




  1. Im doing this! Hooray. @michellechandler719

  2. Eek! I'll join in! :)


    1. So Glad!! Post is ready and set to be launched in the AM!

  3. I'm down! Starting the Squat Challenge tomorrow as well! @aijodesigns

    1. You go Allison! I think combining the two will be the Ultimate Buns & Belly Workout!! :)
