
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Talkin' About Vomit

How'd you like that catchy title? Wonder how many people will turn and RUN CLICK the other way! I promise it's not that bad. I don't really even mention it except for the fact that I won't be eating Tuna again for a while...BLEH! 

Ashlee....hmmmm I just don't know about that girl! I still L.O.V.E. Des...such a sweetheart. I'm thinking she should be the next Bachelorette?? What do ya'll think?? DEF A DES FAN!! As long as the crazy brother of hers stays home. He was a piece of work to say the least. 

ALSO can any of you decipher this?? My BFF & I tried and tried and tried and tried last night without much luck<Insert sad face>  

OK Now onto the good stuff

Day 2 on JE12WP (that's my new code name since its just way too long to type out) is here and man is my chest hurting from Day 1. Stopping at the GYM on my way home today though to bust it out! WOWZAAA 

I'm thinking that I might have done just a little much on the weight side but I worked out at home last night so I didn't have much options for the weights. 

One thing I realized though is how badly I SUCK at push ups! Seriously on 5 and 7 on the Narrow ones!! 


I didn't do a lot of Paleo cooking this weekend. 

We had the Stomach bug infect the house on Wednesday night then the bedroom redo on Thursday then a heartbreaking situation with a close friend of mine on Thursday as well. What a week, talk about an emotional roller coaster! I barely had time to remember to eat much less try new Paleo recipes however I did keep up my paleo journey everyday except one "FREE DAY"...I ate like cray cray!!

I hate it when they're sick but love all the snuggles I got! 

The hubs started feeling sick this morning so I have a feeling we are not over the stomach bug hump just yet...praying for quick relief!! 

Our bedroom redo is almost complete just waiting on our bed to arrive then I will put up the post! I am loving the new colors and Crown molding though! I don't know what it is about crown molding but it just makes me happy...I could lay in bed and just look at it...seriously, I've done it!
He loves to help his momma and I love the tighty whities and socks! HAHA

Along with the Bedroom Make-over post will be coming a 


It has been a little while but I have been searching for this one "specific" item for a little while now and as soon as I get it in I will be posting my review and then giving one away to one of you all so be sure to check back!! 

Hope your Tuesday is FANTABULOUS!! 


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