
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday

I can say that I am happy to be reporting a weight LOSS this week!!

Yay! If you read Monday or even Tuesdays post then you will see that I started the Paleo diet. I am not 100% Paleo but I would say around 80% but I am happy with that for right now.

If you are new to this blog, welcome. Also this is a weekly post I do tracking my journey. Also I am in an "Office Biggest Loser" contest so this tracks my journey through that as well.

Last week I weighed in at 150. Having gained everything back plus 1lb on my cruise that I had lost I was very upset with myself but still I was lacking motivation. Well thanks to my BFF&E she has gotten me back on track and I have my eyes set on the prize. Bikini season with no self criticism.


I think I might even be the weekly winner...just waiting to finish tallying up the weight loss percentages!

Along this journey of life my goal is to have a heart like Christ. God has used me in many ways to bring him so much glory and I am so grateful that He will entrust in me what he does. Even when I fail, he picks me up and tells me to keep going for his glory. Well if I'm going to have a heart like Christ then my body is His temple. He is entrusting in me this body and longs for me to take care of it...something I have not been doing. So not only do I long for no self criticism but I also long for my body to be a healthy temple where God lives in my heart.

Thank you Melissa for that reminder. ;)

I hope you have started following me on Instagram- @sweetsouthernmel  I am posting some (hoping to remember more often than not) of my Paleo meals so that I will be held a little more accountable to you all!

For the upcoming weekend the plans are to try a few new paleo recipes, hang out with my other BFF who will be visiting from WV, keep all the kiddos overnight so her and her hubs can get some "alone" time...don't we all need that? I am also working on some stuff for Zawadi! This ministry has just took hold of my heart and I plan on doing a post on how so many others have been helping and letting their love reach all the way around the world!!

Two things I am considering:

1) Gotta buy new running shoes...any recommendations??

2) Thinking about doing the 10day Advocare Cleanse. Not really wanting to do the whole Advocare thing but just the cleanse...what do you think, any advice or opinions??

Thanks Ya'll!!


1 comment:

  1. I definitely recommend the Advocare Cleanse. It just makes you feel better! It's low maintenance and gentle!
