
Monday, December 31, 2012


"Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you."        Jeremiah 29:12

Since I started this blog back in August my purpose has completely changed. What started out as something that maybe I could make money off of down the road has now been transformed into something that will glorify God. Blog ads and making money has been a complete second thought and I really don't have a desire to pursue that route now.

God laid this on my heart and this is how I want to start 2013 on this blog.

At the beginning of each month I will do a prayer post. This will be a short post with a few scriptures that will encourage up to pray. Once this gets bigger I would love to share a story each month about an answered prayer.

Now the fun part...YOU!! I would like for you, in the comments below, leave a way we can pray for you. A specific prayer request, a general area you need help in, a family member, etc.

YOU name it, WE take it to God.

If you are not comfortable with you name being on there then post it as anonymous. You can be as vague or as detailed as you like.

Then I want you to go through the comments and pray for someone specifically. If you have time to pray for them all, fantastic, if not just pick one or two and come back another day to pray for another. If you feel led, leave a comment on that persons request letting them know you are praying for them.

There are times when we are in a difficult situation that we don't want our family, friends or neighbors knowing about but we really need the prayer so use this Pray Post without fear of judgement or humiliation.

As brothers and sisters in Christ we are to lift one another up in prayer!

Who's ready to start 2013 surrounded in prayer?!?! ME ME ME!!!

"In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy"
Philippians 1:4


***Any negative comments are not needed and unwanted, if you have something negative to say...keep your mouth shut and have a good day***


  1. I love this! :) my prayer request would be for my husband. He is a youth pastor at a church. Ministry always has discouraging times, but lately it has seemed tougher, especially when he is part time and little prospect of it becoming full time. So prayer for encouragement for him and peace with the next steps we should take as a family.

    1. I have a very close friend who was in a similar situation so I am def praying for you all and him as God leads you down the path he has signed for your life. The great news is he will never lead you astray and as his children he is always with us!!

  2. My prayer request for this month is that God will continue to reveal to me exactly what He wants me to do in 2013. I feel as though these past few months he has been prepping me for what all he wants me to do this year. But also pray that I will have the strength and courage to do as he asks of me!!

    1. Praying! And thank you for your prayers. I'm sure God has a lot in store!
