
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The True Meaning of Christmas GIVEAWAY

This is going to be a bit of a long post but bear with me because this is important and there might be a giveaway at the end ;)

I am just so excited for Christmas this year but who am I kidding I am this excited every year! Yes I always over commit, over dedicate and over plan but in this end all the smiles and laughter gets me through it excitedly!

I am also HUGE on traditions. I dont' remember a whole lot of traditions growing up but there are a few like "Getting to open one present on Christmas Eve...well this is still true to this day and if I forget my brother (who is 25) will remind me that we get to open one present from mom and dad on Christmas Eve", "Putting up mom and dads big tree every year" (now that I think about it though that was their way of getting out of it...make it seem fun for the kids hehe).

As Christmas comes every year esp now that I have kids of my own I was to instill in them traditions that they will look forward to every year. A couple years ago we welcome "The Elf on the Shelf". This was and is a fun way to remind Kinley about being good throughout the month of December. Plus it encourages his imagination. He has come to looked forward to "Elfies" arrival after Thanksgiving.

This year I am introducing a new "friend", who will be visiting us each day in December, The Christmas Angel. I have never seen the Angel before but immediately loved the message she brought. We still do Santa, the Elf, and all the imaginative stuff of Christmas but I strive very hard to be sure that my children know the true meaning of Christmas. While we read the story of Jesus' birth in the bible every year and I talk about it being Jesus' birthday, I will admit I do not remind him of the importance of this holiday every single day. I am human, I forget and this is my downfall but you can be for dern sure that when he starts acting up the first thing I yell is "ELFIE IS GONNA GO TELL SANTA YOUR MISBEHAVING AND YOU WON"T GET NO PRESENTS". Don't act like you have never said it know you have!

I am hoping that not only will The Christmas Angel help teach my children the true meaning of Christmas but will also remind me everyday of the true meaning of Christmas and what I should be telling their little listening (even though sometimes it is selective) ears.

The Christmas Angel is an exciting and creative way to make a lifetime of impression on your children by Restoring the Spirit of Christmas ONE MESSAGE AT A TIME!
Just as an angel came to Mary to give her a message about giving birth to Jesus, The Christmas Angel is here to bring her messages in her golden dust. Each message will be a way to encourage your children to give or do unto others. Your kids will become so excited to find the angel and her message and will be very excited about what they can do for someone else!
The Christmas Angel giftset comes with an 9-inch plush angel, a beautifully illustrated book and a pouch of golden dust all kept in a keepsake tin that can be used year after year!

You can also go to The Christmas Angel website and sign up to receive 25 days of messages for free to help you with ideas! I will be starting to post every few days in December about how we are giving this Christmas season and the messages that our Angel is bringing. So be sure to check back here!

Won't you join me in helping bring back to true meaning of Christmas and try to make a change in the world with one child at a time. We mold our children when they are young, they absorb the most now. One of my favorite bible verse is this:

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6


The wonderful people over at The HeartBox is giving The Christmas Angel to one of my lucky readers for free this Christmas season!

To enter use the Rafflecopter box below!!
If you do not win and would like a Christmas Angel of your own you can order them online. Please be sure you put my name, Melanie Cobb, in the "Where did you hear about us at" section! Thank you!!

How to Enter:

MANDATORY You must go "LIKE" The Christmas Angel on Facebook AND comment telling them you heard about the Christmas Angel from SweetSouthernMel

Optional entries:

Leave a blog comment of your thoughts about The Christmas Angel

"SHARE" This post and The Christmas Angel on your facebook- this will get you 2 entries and you can come back and do this everyday! Since sharing with other the true meaning of Christmas is what The Christmas Angel is all about!

Just copy and paste this: "Enter for your chance to Win @The Christmas Angel over at @SweetSouthernMel  Help share the True Meaning of Christmas this Christmas Season!"

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck Friends!! Come back and share with me your thoughts on The Christmas Angel!



  1. I love The Christmas Angel, I have 2 very young children and I want them to grow up knowing what the true meaning of Christmas is! That it's not all about the presents, and that we need to celebrate Jesus' Birthday and enjoy spending time with our family! :)

  2. I absolutely LOVE the Christmas Angel! I have 2 very young children and I want them to grow up knowing about the true meaning of Christmas. I don't want them to think that it's all about presents! I want them to enjoy spending time with family and help to celebrate Jesus' Birthday! :)

    1. I have two young children as well! I think this will be such a useful tool in teaching them the true meaning of Christmas this year!

  3. My son is two and a half, so this is the first year it is clicking and i am loving it. I wanted to get elf on the shelf but i did not want says to consume us. I love this concept! My favorite part is that it is a daily reminder of giving and being more like Christ. Like you said, we are not perfect and don't remember to discuss it every day but this gives us the opportunity. Love it!

  4. I absolutely love this idea. We so need to get back to the TRUE meaning of CHRISTmas..... Love it and hope to win.. :)

  5. I really like this idea as well. This time of year we all get caught up in the hussle and bussle. This won't take long and will make such an impact on the lives of those we care about most. I hope I win this.

  6. Beautiful post. I'm following you from Tulip's True Aim Linky. So happy to find this lovely blog.
