
Monday, November 5, 2012

GCH Winner and More

Well I hope you all had a great weekend!! The hubs and I celebrated our 7th Anniversary a little early and went out Saturday night. It had been a long time since we had a date night so I was looking forward to it all week long!
Dinner was wonderful, conversation was great and we just had fun being together. I love how after all this time it's like we are still those two college kids who fell in love. <INSERT GOOGLY EYES>

I can't believe that was 7 years ago today

Today is our actual anniversary and dang it I just remembered that I forgot to lay dinner out...hmmm. Such is our life! It will prob be a spaghetti kinda night now. Oh well! I also broke out the Christmas decorations and started getting that stuff put up and we started the painting on the toy room!

Wow, we have so much going on it's crazy 'round here!

Us Now!
 So much has changed in the past 7 years but I wouldn't want it any other way! My life, even with all the bumps and mountains, is pretty wonderful!
Now on to the winner from the contest last week!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway CONGRATS LADY!! I will send your email to the girls over at my fave site Girls Crochet Headbands and they will get you your certificate!

For all you peeps who didn't win don't forget that they are givings ALL my readers 20% off their total purchase with the coupon code SweetMel20. So go get your order on and get those CUTE Christmas Rompers just in time for Christmas Card pictures! The code expires Nov 27th!

For the next order of business. I realized something this weekend...sometimes I over commit myself and that turns in to stress. With this Month Of Thanks-Giving it is not supposed to be stressful so I am switching it up some. My first main purpose was to pay all my blessing forward and that still is important however I seen this weekend that as important as that is it is even more important to teach my children to have a giving heart!

I can't teach them to have a true giving heart if trying to keep up with my blog and the acts of giving is stressing me out!

So I am still going to pay it forward but it might not be everyday however I'm going to make sure that my children participate in the acts of giving. I will post each week an overview of what the kids and I did that week along with some of the things I am most thankful for!

Hopefully this will keep the stress down and better instill giving in my children's heart!

Much Love,


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