
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Who ME?!

I am a full time working momma who works even harder at home. I am a Christan and serve an Ah-MAZ-ING Lord who you will hear more about. I am a WIFE to a magnificent husband, MOTHER to two beautiful babies, K-Man and L-Bug, DAUGHTER to two of the most loving parents a girl could ask for a BIG SISTER to the little boy who I still try to protect(even though he is three times the size of me). My life up to this point has been a rollercoaster that I have loved every second of.  I guess its a good thing I'm a coaster junkie! I am continuously trying new ventures, taking on more than I should and plannig andhaving parties...yeah I'm a party girl (not the drunk kind though).
It seems every few months I take on something new, whether it's crafting, selling something, cake baking or even blogging! I want to share my experiences so you can learn from the good and the bad. So my family can keep up with my craziness and so I can have a place to keep some of those moments that I never want to forget. I am also about the run (well maybe walk/jog) my way into small pants so you can follow that journey too!
This is a diary that I am sharing with you so please leave me your comments. If there is anything I talk about that you would like me to go more in depth on or jsut something you're curious about. I'd love to hear from each of you!

Oh and maybe if we get enough followers we can do some giveaways cause we all know I love to enter giveaways and I have some pretty awesome creative friends to highlight!!

Much Love,

This pretty much sums up how I am feeling and reminds me daily what I need to do!

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