
Saturday, April 1, 2017

The House that Built US Week 9

Well a lot happened in a hurry this week. It seemed like everyday that we stopped more and more men were there and they were working super hard to get the framing done this week. Monday they spent the day putting the flooring on. When we went by that evening we were excited because most of the chalk lines for the rooms were down and we actually got to walk around on the main level! 

Each day more and more went up and today they finished up the framing (for the most part) and the guy told us today they are set to put on the roof trusses Monday. We are going to have a roof next week y'all....HOLY COW!! That happened so fast! I need to remember to take these guys donuts again for all their hard work. They are doing a SUPERIOR job and keeping the property cleaned up nice and neat too! 

Before we get to the rest of the house pictures a few other updates. We got our quote back on our cabinets and I am happy to report that even with the add-ons we picked we only went over a budget very very little! We also got to see the computerized drawings of our kitchen. IN L.O.V.E. already! We still have to decide on which colors but I have it narrowed down to 4 and we are going to do light on top and dark on bottom. My mom had that same style in her last home and I loved it. Just can't decide whether we are going to do white up top or a canvas color (a light ivory). 

We also finalized all of our appliances and Lowes is going to hold them for us until we need them. Apparently this time of year is the Spring Black Friday of Appliances and the prices we got on all our appliances were ridiculously cheap so we couldn't not get them. We decided to mix it up some though and are using both Samsung and GE appliances in our kitchen. 


Now on to the pictures. They finished up our back deck today and it has quickly become on of my most favorite places in our house. Half of it will be covered the other open and it is SO much bigger than I realized. I foresee many morning coffee dates snuggled up on the outdoor couch. 

Seriously HUGE deck and that part you see will be covered
Excited to be standing in his room, see his smile! :)

This girl LOVES her big window!

Staircase going downstairs is in

From front door looking into living room and fireplace

That's a big garage, I'm so excited to park in it!

They took out the posts holding the walls and it really opened it up down there.
That is the L shaped rec room

Still hard to believe we went from this....

To THIS in 6 days.....

Everything framed! 


WOW I can't wait to see what happens next week!!!!


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