
Friday, February 24, 2017

The House That Built US Week 4 - Block

Saturday the hubs and I went out on a day date. We pretty much drove around looking at houses, doors, brick, siding, and more. We started by going to a neighborhood about 15minutes away where we were told the exact house we are building was built. We were going to leave noted in the mailbox but when we pulled up the owner was outside in his truck. After talking with him a minute and telling him we would be happy to schedule a time to come back he invited us in. It was such an awesome thing to be able to see what it will look like (minus the changes we are making). They also did a more gray, white and black color scheme which was perfect! The kitchen cabinets were pretty much identical in color to what I have been thinking about but hadn't been able to find a picture of. They even had the downstairs finished! He was super helpful in telling us what he liked and what he wished they would have done different and offered for us to come back anytime!

  Week 4 began with more digging, everywhere, like there literally is dirt everywhere! Pretty sure these first two are electric and water lines that run back to the house. 

They poured the rest of the footers on Monday and drew the corners on the concrete. It is still so hard to get a good feel for where everything is going to be. I will be standing in the doorway and walk to the right and cannot figure if I am in Kinley's room, bathroom or spare confusing! 

I looked over and seen this little square of concrete poured. I am assuming that is going to be our mailbox. I can't figure out what else it could be! We have a mailbox slab! LOL  

I stopped by on Tuesday and they had some block there along with a whole bunch of gravel in the basement. As I walked around looking the neighbor walked down and introduced himself. He was very polite and even went on to apologize for the "misunderstanding" of the house placement. I greatly appreciated his honesty and hopefully it was a misunderstanding but gosh it is just hard to know with all the horror stories we have heard! Praying for an easy 6 months from this point forward!

We heard our contractor had a death in the family so I didn't want to bother him any more this week. After Punkin got home today from traveling for the week we went over there and there was a WHOLE LOT more block there along with a big pile of sand. I had asked our contractor on Monday when they would start laying block and he said probably next Monday! That means we will be getting basement walls in the week to come!! Really hoping the weather keeps holding out, it has been phenomenal here lately! 

Just a little game of catch me if you can around the footers! 

That's a lot of sand! 

Little by little we are seeing more changes. I am still just amazed how quickly it seems to be going. 

Praising God for being with us this far. It seems as though when we have questions or are confused about what choices to make he always puts something right in front of us and we both step back and say "wow that is exactly what we had pictured!" I am not worthy of his grace and answered prayers but yet he walks with us each step of the way! 

Until next week!


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