
Friday, February 14, 2014

Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not? My Love Story Part 2

Ok so we are traveling back to about 5 months before that night in Jan. I was in Morgantown visiting when I first seen Punkin. As I said in my last post he was my first crush so like any normal teenage girl those crush feelings flood back and I was bound and determined to make him see me! 

He drove a crotch rocket so I knew exactly what I needed to do...I needed to go for a ride! I ask, he agrees and we are off. It was a hot August day and we rode around for what seemed like hours but was prob only an hour. He even took me by to show me where he and another friend of mine lived. 

I did everything beside through myself onto him and he never seen me. I was crushed but also not surprised. I mean we all know that those childhood crushes never lead to the real deal. I thanked him for a good time and left just at that.

I later asked my friend and his roommate what the deal was and he was still in the healing process. I get it, I was healing too. Two very long relationships had left us both crushed and we didn't need to be rushing into anything. 

Now forward to jan 9th. Here we both were talking to night away. I'm sure we talked about everything for our hopes and dreams, what we were majoring in, who our close friends were. Funny stories of him and the guys living together and the stories of how our hearts were broken. Hand in hand we talked for was so relaxing, so ultimately perfect yet it was getting ready to end. 

The next morning I was heading home to Bolt. Three hours away from WVU. I was going to school full time Mon-Fri nod working a part time job in the evening and cheering for college. I didn't have time for a relationship and def not a long distance one but still this felt different. It felt too natural and easy. 

I knew that with girls the taking would be enough, I would remember those words long after I had left but sometimes words weren't enough for a man. Now let me stop and say I'm not talking about doing the nasty but just something extra to make sure he didn't forget that night.  It took a few minutes (maybe even an hour) for me to get up the nerve but the moment finally came. We lay there staring into each other's eyes waiting for that first kiss to happen....I didn't want the moment to pass so as I moved closer I whispered "Are you gonna Kiss me or not?" 

He did and it was a kiss I will never forget. To me the kiss was huge, if it was forced it wasn't right, if we moved awkwardly again it wasn't right. This kiss flowed like a smooth river. His slight touch on my cheek, the way his delicious lips felt on mine, the way he would stop and look into my eyes and it was like he was touching my soul. We kissed and kissed some more and that was it...I swear no nookie! He was a perfect gentleman and that night I seen what It felt like to be treated with respect and love all while having a great time.  

I left to go home after a night of NO sleep and all the way home my mind could this work? Did he feel the same connection I felt? He was probably out of my league...but it felt so right.

Only time will tell I guess!

Hope you enjoyed part 2! Part 3 will be coming soon!! 

Happy Valentines Day friends!

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