
Thursday, December 19, 2013

13.1 and then some

This week has been nothing short of a whirlwind! I have been going non-stop since the race on Sunday and am finally getting the time to finish this post! 

First lets start with the 13.1.

I have never wanted to not do something so bad as I did on Saturday. Last week was not a good week for me as far as working out. I had decided after my 10mile run that I would not do any of my leg workouts for the week. I wanted to givemy legs a rest and do two short runs during the week and that be it. Well not only did I not do my legs workouts but I also did not do my upper body workout. I was so exhausted by the end of each day I just couldn't do it. Then I spent one of those days completely sick so that put a hold on my first run. 

Needless to say come Saturday I had no weight training done for the week and only 1 run which was a difficult 2mile run that left me feeling very defeated. 

I didn't want to run Sunday.

I didn't want to get up at the crack of dawn and try to warm up before the run.

I didn't want to wear layers of clothing only to shed layers of clothing while running in a misty rain.

I didn't want to....

But I did...

And it was amazing!!

The run was not near as difficult as what I anticipated and I think my body thanked me during that run for letting it rest some during the week. My legs didn't feel near as heavy as what they had in my previous runs. The hills didn't slow my down quite as much as what I anticipated and the few times I actually started to feel the pain a little prayer asking for some relief was all it took and my pain was gone. 

My goal was to finish the 13.1 in 2:15 or less. I had also planned to stop twice and walk the water break if I needed to. I did not stop at all. I threw back some sips as I cruised through the stations (actually choking on air one time...ooops) and I kept moving. 

I could believe that all that hard work really was paying off and my body was doing something that I NEVER imagined I would be able to do. 

I listened to some praise music, sang to my Lord and Savior, prayed for a dear friend and her battle with breast cancer and thought about the many training runs and the many times I wanted to quit. 

I am glad I didn't.

That race left me feeling accomplished and proud. To see my bff standing at mile 10 1.2 to cheer me on and then my hubby and kiddos at the finish line yelling for me was so humbling. I could not have done that without my support system. My running partner who ran with me (even though she can flat out fly she stuck with me). I encourage you to find an accountability partner to keep pushing you even when you want to stop. 

The hardest mile was 12, I think because my Run App had me ahead of what the markers were showing so mentally that was taking a toll that I should have been done and still wasn't close yet.

I did it! I finished!! AND I BEAT MY GOAL!! 

My Official Time was 2:13 and that was for the race course! My Run App said I actually crossed the 13.1 at 2:09...6 minutes quicker than what I hoped for!

I can and did do it...SO CAN YOU!! 

When we got home my wonderful hubby had ordered me my 13.1 sticker and this awesome little charm that goes on my shoes! I would have never dreamed he would have thought to get me those things! 

Nothing is Impossible if you 

After the race on Monday I went and had a full body massage and boy did I need that. I also got the Biofreeze treatment done on my legs along with a Spa Pedicure and by Monday night my legs felt like a million bucks! Completely worth the extra $$.

I also planned my Christmas Candy Party for Monday. Smart huh, burn a bunch of calories then eat them right back in chocolate and peanut butter!! Oh but I had so much fun baking with my lady friends and we each ended up with a HUGE amount of candy to take home and give away!!
These yummy things are Caramel Pretzel Bites dipped in chocolate!

I totally forgot to take picture because we were so busy but this entire table was covered in chocolates! 

More Oreo balls, Cake pops and Peanut Butter Bon Bons! 

Tuesday I made 7 1/2dozen cupcakes (school parties, neighbors and such). No icing just the cupcakes. Put together Kinley and Lanie's school friend gifts. I also put together 6 teacher gifts, 4 co-worker gifts and 7 neighbor gifts....WHEW I was yet again exhausted! (I'll get pictures of these when I decorate them tonight! Follow on IG for these pics)

Wednesday errr that was yesterday right?? We took the kids to give away Chapstick and Hand warmers and invited people to the new North Campus service for our church. It was a great hour of serving those in our community and hanging with my bible study girls. The hubby and I then took Kinley Ice Skating for the first time which was an experience for us both! I had almost forgot how too but it is amazing how when you are holding your child's hand and trying to keep them from falling you almost become super mommy with super strength! 

He didn't want to do it at first but I am so proud he braved up and tried it (and I'm so glad I didn't let him fall because he would never listen to me about fun again) hehe

Today I have to decorate all 7 1/2 dozen cupcakes, cook dinner and take the kiddos to see Shadracks Light show! 

Tomorrow is clean, Christmas party, clean some more then my mommy and daddy will be here!! YAY!! 

I absolutely LOVE the Christmas season and all the it stands for but it is definitely tiring. The hubs and I are planning to start a Cleanse on Jan 7th and I am currently working on our meal plan for the month! In the new year I am determined to get on a great Clean Eating plan and go back to full force weight lifting. 

I also might still be contemplating that Full Marathon in March!! ;) 

I don't think I'll be back for a week or more so I'll leave you with my rottenly adorable kiddos saying


God Bless You,

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