
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesdays Workout Recap

Well I didn't post yesterday because honestly nothing felt right to say.

I did a lot of praying, all day, while I was working, eating, working out and playing with my babies. I just spend a lot of quiet time with the Lord.

Sometimes that is all that you need to do.

He is Lord now, yesterday and tomorrow. I put my trust in Him and pray that those out there suffering will feel his presence with them. 

"The Lord is near to the broken hearted; And saves those who are crushed in Spirit." Psalms 34:18

One of my favorite chapters of the bible to read. It's not long and I encourage you to take 10min out of your day today and read it.

WorkOut Recap time! 

 I did well last week but honestly I am just ready to be done with Live Fit. It has been a GREAT program but I get bored pretty easily. Her workouts do switch every two weeks which is good for my boredom level but I am just ready to move on to bigger and better things.

If you are a beginner I HIGHLY recommend this program to start with. It is simple, basic and will help teach you how to lift.

Here is my workouts from last week!

Last Week May 13th-19th

Monday- Jamie Eason Live Fit Day 64 (Quads and Calves)
DAY 24 Squat Challenge 200reg Squats & 150 Plié Squats
Day 13 AB Challenge phase 1

Tuesday- Jamie Eason Day 65 (Back, Arms & Abs)
DAY 25 Squat Challenge 210reg Squats & 160 Plié Squats
Day 14 AB Challenge phase 1
Tuesday PR'd 1mile 8:47

Wednesday- Jamie Eason Day 66 (Chest, Shoulders &Abs)
Day 15 AB Challenge-Rest
DAY 26 Squat Challenge  220reg Squats & 170 Plié Squats

Thursday- Jamie Eason Day 67 (Hamstrings, Glutes & Abs) 
Day 16 AB Challenge phase 2
DAY 27 Squat Challenge 230 Reg & 180 Plie'
Friday-Jamie Eason Day 68 (Back, Biceps & Abs)
Day 17 AB Challenge phase 2
DAY 28 Squat Challenge Rest
Saturday- Jamie Eason Day 69 (Shoulders, Triceps, Calves) 
Day 18 AB Challenge Phase 2
DAY 29 Squat Challenge 240reg Squats and 190 Plié Squats

Sunday- Jamie Eason Day 70 REST
Day 19 AB Challenge Rest
Day 30 Squat Challenge 250 Reg & 200 Plie' Squats

I didn't run as much as what I had hoped to but I was super busy last week and had family in town. I still managed to do my other workouts but my running fell to the wayside. I have a long run planning for Saturday morning though.

I am on day 3 of the #melsclean 30 and it seems to be a bit easier than what I thought it would be. It might be that I am coming down to the wire on this whole fit for the beach thing but I am really hoping to see HUGE changes!

Oh an my starting weight from Monday was 137...yep I went up 3lbs but knowing that I was going to be starting this challenge I ate like doo doo last week.

Such is Life...

Go check out the most fabulous SkinnyMeg for her Workout Wednesday Link-Up!

~Happy Hump Day~


  1. Awesome week! I have wondered how the Live Fit is.

  2. Hey girl hey- I read a little of your blog and its great! I especially liked the debt dumping part- I had already gotten the Dave Ramsey book and was 1/2 through it. Just love hearing what it did for other people! Also, we seem to be pretty similar, I also have 2 kids ages 1 & 4, turned 29 in March, and into fitness. ;) I don't usually do this (and think its kind of annoying when people do, ha ha!) but check out my blog sometime ... - I just think we seem to be a lot alike and could be Bloggy BFFs :) Instagram is MereD19 !

    1. Hello! So glad you like my blog! The debt dumping posts were some of my fave to do! I'm a firm believer in Dve Ramsey's principles and while I don't follow them 100% they have saved me lots of heartache so far with money! It is bizarre how a like we are! I'd love for you to email me and maybe we can do some guest posts and or figure out some little link up party to host...maybe something about how we love food...for real I LOVE food...yet I blog some about confusing. Oh well! Look forward to talking to you and reading some more of your blog! Have a great Memorial Day tomorrow and have fun with your little girls! ~Mel

    2. Oh my email is :)
