
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesdays Work-Out Recap

Mondays I tend to recap my weekend and talk about what is coming up this week. Well like a lot of women on a fitness journey the weekends seem to be the toughest and we cheat.

I did big time this weekend...even when I was planning on making smart decisions I still made bad ones when we got out.

On Sunday evening I felt terrible about my decisions. I ate bad Thursday night, Saturday night, and all day on Sunday. I'm not normally that uncontrolled and honestly I don't know what got into me.

Oh well tomorrow is a new day and I WILL get back on track.

Instead of beating myself up over these bad decisions I want to concentrate on what I DID last week.

On wednesdays I will write down my workouts for the previous week. This will hold me accountable throughout the week knowing I have to share every little workout with ya'll! 

I don't want to downplay nutrition because a HUGE part of weightloss is the food you put into your body but so often we get "side-tracked" by how bad we ate and we forget how much strength we showed last week or how we pushed a little bit harder than we thought we could.

It's time to remind myself what I am made of and hopefully my journey will inspire someone else to go one step further on theirs!

Last Week April 29-May 5th

Monday- Jamie Eason Live Fit Day 50 (arms, abs& cardio except I didn't do cardio)
DAY 10 Squat Challenge 105reg Squats & 85 Plié Squats

Tuesday- Jamie Eason Day 51 (Legs)
4.0 mile run 43:23
DAY 11 Squat Challenge 110reg Squats & 90 Plié Squats

Wednesday- Jamie Eason Day 52 (Chest, Abs & cardio)
Day 1 AB Challenge phase 1
DAY 12 Squat Challenge-REST

Thursday- Jamie Eason Day 53 (Shoulders)
1.09 mile run 12:41
Day 2 AB Challenge phase 1
DAY 13 Squat Challenge 130reg Squats & 95 Plié Squats

Friday-Jamie Eason Day 54 (Legs)
1.02 mile run 10:31
Day 3 AB Challenge phase 1
DAY 14 Squat Challenge 135reg Squats & 100 Plié Squats

Saturday- Jamie Eason Day 55 (Back & Delts) I didn't give this my all because I was wore out from the week and the morning run!
6.2mile run 1:06:31
Day 4 AB Challenge-REST
DAY 15 Squat Challenge 140reg Squats and 105 Plié Squats

Sunday-Jamie Eason- Rest
Day 5 AB Challenge phase 1
DAY 16Squat Challenge-REST

So do I feel bad about what I ate? Yes.

Does this make me feel 100x better though because I worked my tail off? Heck Yes!

Don't bet yourself up when you make a few bad food choices, ESP if you are giving it your all during your workouts!

We are human and we fall but we gotta support one another and be encouragers not discouragers (are those even words?)!

I encourage you to write down your workout recap & be proud of yourself for what you accomplished! You can even leave it in the comments here to encourage someone else!

Don't forget to go check out SkinnyMeg's Link-Up Today as well! She is giving you an "AT HOME" Workout!! Perfect for those mommies like me who just don't have the time to hit up the gym everyday! She also gives you a list of the 'at-home' workout essentials. :) SkinnyMeg Rocks like that! 

What matters most is that you ARE working out, no matter where you are at! 


  1. Thanks for the motivation Mel!

    1. Thanks for giving me a reason to motivate!! :)

  2. I feel like I fall off the wagon sometimes too. But I try not to let myself get too upset. Thanks for the 6 week ab challenge. I'm excited to see my personal results and well as yours!

  3. I found your blog from Skinny Meg, I think we all go thru this cycle of beating ourselves up for what we eat, but it's a good attitude like yours that keeps us from giving up completely. It's always nice to see that I am not the only one that goes thru it.

    1. Thanks for coming by and you are right it makes all the difference in the world when we know we are not alone in our struggles! Good luck girl! :)

  4. It's not letting it get you down that is most important! Thanks for reading! :)
