
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Best Hot Dog Chili Ever!

Hello! Happy Monday  err Tuesday Ya'll!

I hope your weekend was just as fantastic as mine was! Seriously I don't think it could have went any better (well except my eating, that def could have been better). We had some wonderful family time, got almost everything done outside around the house, spend the day Saturday running and laying out, Sunday a beautiful drive through Cade's Cove and yesterday all day with great friends! WHEW, super busy but oh so fun!

I promised on Sunday to share Memaw's Best Hot Dog Chili recipe yesterday but by the time the party ended I was exhausted and just couldn't muster up the energy to post it. I even fell a sleep during The Bachelorette, SAY WHAA?? Yep I was that tired but I did get the see "Will you Accept these Abs?" Hello what kind of a line was that, I mean really did you even have to ask? 

Ok back on track. This recipe get huge RAVES everytime I serve it up. The best past though is I make it once and don't have to make hot dog chili again for months (since we eat hot dogs atleast once a week it is a great quick and easy meal). The recipe makes about 12 Quart size baggies of hot dog chili. One baggies is the perfect amount for us (note the kiddos do not eat chili so it is just the hubs and I). You might only get 8-10baggies if you prefer more but 12 is perfect for us!

Seriously you CAN NOT go wrong with this chili and I promise if you take it to your next cookout you will be the star of the show!!

The recipe came from my mama-in-law who never writes anything down. It is always "Add a touch of this and just a little pinch of that" and "Oh you know, just a smidge of this". Yeah so trying to get the amounts correct so that I could share was rather difficult but I think I got it!

PS this is NOT, I repeat NOT clean...but oh so yummy!


5lbs of Hamburger
2 small onions
1 cup of water
1 small bottle of ketchup
1 bottle Chili Sauce (found where the ketchup is)
1 can tomato sauce
2/3cup of sugar
2 Tbls Chili Powder

Brown Hamburger and onions, drain grease then add water, ketchup, chili sauce, tomato sauce, sugar and chili powder to meat. Mix and let simmer on very low about 30-40 min.  Let cool and divide up into Quart size freezer bags.

That's it! Super easy and I promise you will not be disappointed!

Don't forget about the awesome Book Series Giveaway I have going on right now too!! Be sure to get entered!

Weekend recap!

Saturday Morning was race day and I not only PR'd my 5K, beat my time by more than 2min but I also placed 3rd for my age group 20-29!!! WOO HOO
The time clock said 26:56 as I passed it and by the time I snapped a pic and got back into my Nike App it was 27:05. I was just hoping for less than 28 so I am super pumped with my time!

My 3rd Place Award!! (and the blasted sideways picture!)
It was the perfect weekend to take a stroll through the old graveyard and pay our respect.

DEER and beautiful mountains!

For some reason I found this sign hysterical!

Picnic Time by the Creek

Family Baseball time!

Such a good daddy!

I love these old cabins!
 Now for some Memorial Day Fun!


Then to end a perfect weekend we got our first egg from our hens!!! Little farmer boy so so excited!

 Have a great week!! See ya tomorrow for the workout Recap!


  1. LOVE cades cove, been twice! Once my cousin and her hubs and kids saw like a mama bear and like FOUR baby cubs walking in cades cove!!! They were estatic!!! That chilli looks great! I entered the giveaway i love reading~!

  2. You and your family are super cute! Can't wait to make this chili for the first KC Chiefs game! Go Chiefs! Thanks for the recipe
