
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finish this....

WHAT? TWO post in 1 day! OH MY! I must be on FI-YA!

So as I slowly get more into the whole blogging world I am begining to make new friends. Holly, Mama and SkinnyMegs are my BFF's...they just don't know it yet. So I guess they are my PBBF's <Pretend Best Bloggin Friends> of course! We all chat it up during the day about the blogging world and how awful Blissdom was (I was there...well my dreams were anyways).

We really do have a special bond! ;)

Anywho over on Hollys blog today is this nifty little link up that I thought I would participate in!

Here We Go...

1. If calories didn't count, I would eat... an entire cheesecake and not just any cheesecake White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory....great now my mouth is watering. What type of question is that? Getcha wanting the one thing you can't hace? WTC?? 

2. On my Prom night.... I danced my little heart out...then went to Wal-Mart bought chicken liver and went catfishing! Heck yeah that's how we roll in WV!

3. When I go to the store, I always buy... What's on my list...if it isn't on the list then it doesn't get bought. Seriously the hubs can call me and ask me to grab something and if I do not stop and write it on the list I will forget it

4. Family functions typically... Go really well, we're lovers not haters

5. I think my blog readers... I KNOW my blog readers are my biggest cheerleaders! They are reading this because we have a common bond, whether it's weightloss, a giving heart, trying to be more Christ like or just plain crazy. They are my peeps!

6. I'd much rather be..... laying in the sun getting my Vitamin D on than sitting here working BLEH

7. I have an obsession with.... instagram, coach purses and lookin at my butt...yep now that it is getting all fit and firm I'm pretty sure I could model VS underwear. It looks rather nice in them now! Sorry no pics friends... :/

8. My work friends.... are great...that's it they really are a great group of ladies! I love each of them dearly!

9. When I created my Facebook account.... I spent too much time stalking old BF's and old rivals...oh don't act like I'm the only know you were just searching your old bf and comparing yourself to that chicka he's with now...

10. My least favorite word is... the "C" word, I can't even stand to type it...Calorie. Such an awful word choice.Why couldn't they call them "Lovies". I might not feel bad if there was a only 1100 lovies in the cheesecake. See doesn't that make ya wanna take a bite?

11. I really don't remember.... half of what I am supposed to be doing most of the time and that's a fact Jack! 

12. Justin Bieber.... I would prob want your body if I was 12 again however I have made it my lifes mission to never let my daughter get "Bieber Fever" because that just sounds like a terrible disease! 

That's it for the link up today! Keep watch on my IG for Day 23 of Jamie Easons Workout Program at home conversion! 



  1. sounds like something I would do on Prom night...we did go frog gigging as a matter of fact...gotta love the backwoods in the SOUTH! thanks for linking with us!

    1. Oh my I have never been frog giggin'! That would have made for an interesting night too! I totally didn't mean to leave ya out of the link up! I linked up to you in todays post though! Enjoyed reading through your blog last night and I love this linky you and Holly do together! SUPA FUN! :)

  2. I nominated you for a Liebster award! Check out my blog if you want to participate!
