
Monday, March 18, 2013

Birthday Weekend Recap, My 7Miler & A Winner

Good Monday morning ya'll!! I am NOT normally this chipper, especially on Monday mornings but I have to say that I had one of the very best weekends I have had in a long time.


Friday was my birthday, I love birthdays, I love waking up to bunches of FB birthday messages, getting calls and texts all day long, eating a ginormous cookie cake and being ok with it. It is my day and lets face it, if you have children there aren't many days that are just "Yours". So I love when my birthday rolls around.

Sweet card from my baby boy!

After waking up and getting ready to start the day with my longest run yet my little man comes to tell me, "Mommy, it's your birthday". His daddy wasn't home so this tells me that he remembered all on his own. That was the most precious gift I received. Then he proceeds to say "Go look in the kitchen, I got you flowers". LOL Second most precious gift of the day!

I'm so aggitated that my pictures won't turn...anyone able to help me with this??

I got us all ready, gave the kiddos cookie cake for breakfast (hey it's my birthday I can do what I want), took Kinley to school and Lanie to the sitter.

She loved the cookie cake...can ya tell?

I had 2hrs before my hair appointment so there was no time to procrastinate. I had to get on this run.

     7 Mile RECAP:  

Rocking my H-O Band!
     Mile 1- I feel great, the sun is out, it's the most beautiful morning for a run. Phone keeps dinging with texts, prob birthday wishes, I'll check them when I get done.

     Mile 2 - I still feel awesome! These new shoes rock! I have running to the most beautiful view, The Great Smokey Mountains, Oh how I love running this road but wait I'm slightly going downhill...aww crap this means I'm going to have to climb this hill on my way back! Oh no, dread is rising!

     Mile 3 - I should be getting close to my halfway point, I wonder if Starbucks is the halfway point, maybe I should stop for a quick coffee, would they let me charge it, wait I can't run and carry a coffee. Maybe I'll just go back down there after I complete my run.

     3.5 - HALF WAY THERE!! Turn around now!

     Mile 4 - Oh my the wind is blowing against me now. I have faith bigger than a mustard seed, God please make this wind stop! Oh it stopped, thank you thank you thank you!

     Mile 5- My leg hurts, my hip hurts, now it's better, oh great now my leg hurts again. I'm getting closer, I actually don't feel that bad.

     Mile 6 - Someone just honked at's about time, I'm sure I look like a hot mess about right now. Oh look at that bird, I must be getting bored. I'm getting really thirsty and I gotta pee! I can't wait to see who all has been texting me!

     Mile 7 - This is it, gotta speed up a bit. YOU CAN DO IT!!

I don't know why is shows 0 cal. It has 800+ on there now....

Yep that was it. I know I had a bunch more thought go through my head but my memory left me when I pushed baby #2 out. It was a wonderful run and I am honestly just so proud of myself for completely it!

After my run I went to my fantastic hair lady and let her fix me up! I went a bit lighter, something I haven't done for about 2 years but I figured it was time. She does a fantastic job and I came out rocking some lighter curls!

I relaxed in a bubble bath and got caught up on Red Widow then went and picked up pizza and my kiddos!

We had a fantastic evening playing outside and just enjoying being together. Sometimes the best times come from those where you do nothing!

My birthday continued on to the next day where the hubs let me sleep til 8! WOO WOO, then he took me shopping to spend my birthday money <yes I still get birthday cards and money from my mommy, daddy and mil>. We came home and he had me pack for an overnight romantic getaway! YAY!! My bestie was keeping the kiddos and he was taking me to Mountain Harbor Inn, a place I have been dying to go for the past 2 months. The best part is that is was only about 40min from our home!

We stayed in the Plantation Suite which is one of the smaller room but it was so nice! Chocolates on the pillows, they brought us our own S'mores making kit and lit the outdoor firepit for us. We had a delicious homemade Hot Fudge Brownie Ice cream dessert and it was to die for! Really you prob would OD on sugar if you could finish it. The hubs and I couldn't, oh but how I wanted to!

Diabetes on a plate

It really was the perfect night, my wonderful hubs, a bottle of the best wine around, a great book and a fire under the stars. It was the perfect evening! If you are looking for a place to retreat for the weekend I highly recommend you visit Mountain Harbor Inn! Their special runs through May 1st so check it out!

My favorite part of the evening

Another crooked picture but you get the point, a beautiful view from our room! All room have this view!

Me at dinner...I was feel particularly skinny that day...I think it was the run the day before 
He's so handsome...even if he's sideways!

Sunday we woke up and had a full on homemade breakfast, went and got stuff for the kiddos Celebration baskets (not easter baskets in our home but celebration baskets to celebrate the risen King), then went home to our babies! Yesterday was spent outside enjoying the weather, cleaning up the deck and visiting with the neighbors and our friends!

As I got in bed last night I could help but thank God for blessing me with such a man that would do everything in his power to give me the most memorable birthday weekend ever.

All in all I had an awesome weekend! I hope your was the same!!

Oh and I guess it's time to announce the winner of the HankOrange Headband Giveaway! Even if you didn't win head on over and get you one of these headbands right now! She just added 3 more CHEVRON PRINTS to pick from!! I've got two more on the way! I promise you won't be disappointed!! :-)

The winner has 24hours to contact me with your address otherwise a new winner will be chosen!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Monday Ya'll!!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Melanie!! It's ME_-- the WINNER!!! I will msg you my address :) woohoo
