
Monday, March 25, 2013

About to get my Cleanse On

Well I am beginning the last week in Phase 1 of the Jamie Eason 12 week program.

Last week was definitely tougher than the first two and it has me a little nervous for what is it come in Phase 2 but one thing is for sure...I CAN see a difference.

I know I keep saying I am going to give you update pics but I keep changing my mind!

Soon....I promise...very soon

I order my Advocare10 Day Cleanse yesterday. I will be starting it April 1st, the same day I start Phase 2. That could make for a long 10 days!

I will be updating on IG my meals on the Cleanse and will be giving Pre & Post pics, measurements and weight.

This past Friday I pushed myself a bit harder but man did it feel good in the end! 8 miles!! WOO WOO!!

I'm trying to stay on flat surface for right now until I build up a little more endurance for the long runs. I believe I will stay the same this weekend and bust out another 8. I still have not registered for a half yet so I don't want to rush myself and then get bored. I have a tendency to do that. After about 6 weeks I am "over" whatever it is I am doing at that point, unless its stuffing my face full of awful food...I can do that for a lot longer than 6 weeks.

Yet that is why I am here now...tsk tsk

Kinley had his first soccer game of the season on Saturday morning and I am so proud of him!! They do not keep score but....Turtle Won 7-3 and Kinley scored 3 GOALS!! YAY! The main thing is that he has fun and all the kiddos did fantastic but my little man was turning on the heat!

His daddy was so proud. The man who NEVER updates his facebook status and within an hour of the game he had updated it! I love it!

After the game my bestie and I made a trip to WV to do a ThirtyOne party for my momma! Just a girls night with no kiddos and it was fun! Shopping and no husbands or children to worry about...that's like a little piece of heaven!

The trip home on Sunday got a little hairy when it started pouring the snow and people were in the ditch but I practice my self speech "Slow and Steady wins the Race" and we made it just fine!

Night of Praise on Sunday night at church was a blessing then I got to relax and watch some walkers with my hubs.

All in all a perfect weekend!

Now ready to get this week started and start prepping myself for the cleanse.

Have you ever done the Cleanse? Do you have any favorite cleanse recipes? Please share!!

Happy Monday and don't forget to tune into my IG for the Day 22 Jamie Eason LEGS Conversion!! @sweetsouthernmel



  1. I am starting the cleanse April 1st too! We can be cleanse buddies :)

    1. Let's Do It!! Are you on IG? I have been trying to think of my own hashtag for it! Any suggestions??

  2. Good luck with your Cleanse and let me know if you have any questions. Great time on the run, BTW! You need to sign up for a 1/2. You seem well on your way!

    1. Thanks again and I sure will! I'm surprised by how fast I seem to be moving to a half! :)
