
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday

So it seems like the past 8 weeks in this contest have flown by. Most of the time my weight was up one week, down the next, then back up again. Well I am proud to say that for the second week in a row I am down...2.5lbs!!! 
Don't know why it's crooked....hmmmm


6.5lbs in 2 weeks

Thank You Paleo!!! 

I am still not 100% Paleo and honestly don't know that I will ever be but I am happy with 80/20 right now. There are times where I think it would be easier and take less brain power-I don't have much of this anways- to just go back to eating what the whole family eats but I know that if I do I will never reach my goal.

Speaking of goals...I really haven't set one.

This is a big NO NO because you should always set a goal and reach for it! Maybe that's why it has taken me 8 weeks to get things right. 


To be 130lb by May

13lbs To Lose

9 weeks To Do It


I am working on the 12 week workout plan. As I was looking through it there are some weight workouts that use gym equipment so I am trying to find different workouts to substitute that still workout the same muscles and can be done at home. 

If you are interested in starting this with me email me at

I would love to have before pics of you but you do not have to include your face and your before measurements. I also will not use your name if you would prefer not. I think having a place where our "Before" is will give some motivation to get you but in gear! 

Start date is March 4th

So walk RUN to your room, take those pics and measurements and get them to me by Sunday!! 

I would love to have you all take this journey with me!! 

(Here is the Jamie Easons 12 week workout journey, keep in mind I'm trying to see if I can get this to where you can do it at home)

I think this is a great reminder for us all!! 

HAPPY HUMP DAY!! Now get your hump on...and click here to read my post on how many calories you can burn in the process! 


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