
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wed's Weigh In & V-Day Prep

Good afternoon!

The morning didn't start off so great since it was weigh in day but I also was prepared for the worst. I just spent 6 days on an all you can eat boat and apparently those midnight slices if pizza decided to come home with me...on my rear.

I gained 5lb while gone...wah wah wah, now it's time to change.

I ran last night and did this little challenge.

Well attempted it but only made it to the second set of crunches.

I will get there.

I also decided to try something new for lunch and decided on this. Only 240cal and I found it to be really tasty!

Kinley and I worked on him Valentines and did his cubbies lesson. Love spending time with him like this.

I can't believe tomorrow is Valentines Day. As I prepare for a date night on Friday night I am praying for the fire between the hubs and I to stay ignited.

I'm currently reading "Love & Respect: The love she most Desires, the Respect He Desperately Needs" by Dr Emerson Eggerichs

This book is an excellent reminder of how to connect with each other and survive the downs and go to bed each night with a little more love in your heart.

Looking forward to dinner with the love of my life Friday night. Trying to decide on some dinner conversation though aside from the kids.

When you go out with your spouse what do you talk about? How do you keep the conversation fresh? Anything fun you do while at dinner? Any games?

I'm leaving you with this totally romantic shot of the hubs and I...He makes my heart melt time and time again! Thank you God for giving him to me! 


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