
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wednesdays Weigh-In...a day late

Well I guess only a day late is better than a week! Sorry yeseterday was just a craaaaazy day all the way around and starting to run a fever half way through the day didn't help matters any at all!

The day is finally here ---> Tomorrow

I have been planning this for a while

I have anxiously counted down the days for a month now

I'm so excited and a little nervous at the same time


Yep, Cruise time has arrived and everyone in my family is so excited that they are sick! Literally, both kids are antibiotics, I have a kidney infection and am on antibiotics, my mom has an inner ear infaction and is on antibiotics...the hubs is sick but refuses to take meds. Shew what a week!

I am ready for white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters and a nice cold Pina' Colada...I think that will heal ailments.

So on to the weigh in. I didn't make it to where I wanted to be but I did lose another pound so I'm please. Esp considering I did not run at all last week. Ugh I'm really struggling with this whole working out thing this year!

Anyways I will be MIA for the next 11days but never fear I will return!

I hope you have a great week!!


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