
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Review

I sure hope each and everyone of you had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was fantastic and filled with family, food and friends. I try to have all my shopping completed at least a week before Christmas so that those last few days leading up to it an be focused on spending quality time with my little ones and teaching them the true meaning of Christmas.

This year I am proud to say we have given more than we ever have before. Maybe not so much from a financial stand point but giving isn't about the money you spend on a gift or how much you dropped in the bucket but it's about doing it from your heart and giving your time.

I'd like to share a short story with you.

The Wednesday night before Christmas I was planning a fun filled Mommy/Son day on Thursday. It had been a long time since just him and I spent any time alone together so I was planning on sending Lanie bug to the sitter and taking my little man out for the day. While planning all the fun activities we were going to do I also one to do another act of kindness for someone. Just show one more child the love of God by buying them a present. I prayed that God would send me a child to bless...boy did he answer and within a few hours he sent me 4 children!! WHOA God...I'm not made of money! I knew, however, that God didn't drop these children in my lap for no reason so I reached out. I sent a short text to about 15 family members and friends. I knew it was close to Christmas and like me, most people had probably already met their budget for the month but I though if I could just come up with $200 then each children could get one outfit and one toy.

Within 2 1/2hours I had $445!

I was blown away, my friends and family went above and beyond what I could have even imagined and just as HE said he would, he provided. God doesn't ask us to do things without providing the means to do it. We just have to push forward and trust Him.

After our fun day at Wonderworks, little man and I went shopping for the 4 kiddos and got them each 4 outfits, a jacket, a toy, some stocking stuffers and most importantly a Bible.

God uses each and everyone of us and when we pray that He will lead us to do His will he will never lead us off course. Just be sure when you pray for something you are ready to move because you never know what he has in store. Shopping for those kids were my Christmas blessing and on Christmas morning while I was watching my little boogers rip in to each and every gift with excitement I couldn't help but think of those 4 little ones that God answered my prayer with. I knew that at those moments too they were ripping into the gifts that we, as a family in Christ, had gotten them.


I'm so blessed to be surrounded with such loving and giving people!

My Christmas was more than blessed. As I prepare for 2013 I pray that God has big plans for me and I hope that I will let him use me all for his glory! I can't wait to share with you all what I have in store!



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