
Monday, November 12, 2012

A Month of Thanks-Giving

Wow we are almost half the way through November...I always forget how fast this month flies by for me. I guess because I do all my prep work for the holidays this month. I try to get as much shopping, cooking, baking, etc done so that come Dec. 1st it's all parties and fun for me and my little family.

Our Month of Thanks-Giving is going ok. I have not gotten near as much done as what I would have liked to but I am finally beginning to see a giving heart through my little man.

Over the past week and a half I have been having my son "do chores" (clean his mess, take his plate to the sink, etc) to earn some money. The money that he earned went in to a mason jar in his room and then two Saturdays ago we went shopping for Operation Christmas Child (I forgot to take pictures of this). His Wednesday night class at church was collecting items for shoes boxes and then they were also having a lesson on giving. I was so proud that he took his money to the Dollar Tree, picked out gifts for the shoe boxes and never once asked for something for himself. He was just excited to be giving! I love it!

We also packed up a big envelope for our other child in Africa, David. I was uncertain how to explain to Kinley about David but God gave me the words. I broke out his little globe and showed him where David lived and then explained to him that David didn't have a home like us or clothes and toys like he did. Kinley went and picked out two hot wheels cars just to send to David and we packed it full of underwear, clothes, sandles(it's getting ready to be summer there), a couple books, crayons and candy. What melted my heart the most was when I asked Kinley to pick out what candy he wanted to send to David, he picked out his last candy necklace. If you knew how much my son loved his candy necklaces then you would be just as surprised as I was to see him grab that and put that in the bag.

I remembered to take pictures of this!

Yep all of that you see in the floor in the above picture I fit into this envelope (minus the socks)!
Notice it is taped very very well!

Although we might not do it everyday it is the little acts of kindness that teach our children and not only is it us telling them they should give but it is them seeing US give. Actions speak louder than words and so next time your are out and there is someone collecting change for Salvation Army, or anything for that matter pull out some change and GIVE. My 4yr old doesn't ask HOW MUCH mommy gave but instead he just sees mommy giving without thinking twice.This is how I want to teach my children. So yes you might have already given to them 4 times this week (because that's how many times I have been to Wal-Mart) but that is 4 times my child has seen me give. These past 12 days I have been so thankful for my husband, my children, my freedom, my daddy, a sturdy home for my family that there isn't enough acts of kindness I could do to show my gratitude. I just hope that I will continue to let God be my guiding light and let me show my children how to walk in His light! Hoping to do a few more acts this week and share with you soon!!

Do any of you have any acts of giving you'd like to share! Remember a little goes a LONG WAY!


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