
Monday, November 19, 2012

A Heavy Heart for Thanksgiving

Well my heart is heavy today. My mind is in another place and I am not prepared for what this week holds.

All weekend long I planned out my Thanksgiving meal, done a little Christmas shopping and prepared my mind for my post today. I took note in certain people giving and tried to instill in my children just a little more of how important it is to give.  I just have such a hard time explaining it all to my four year old. Does he understand? Any I just confusing him? Until you see them in action you don't really know.

Yesterday about 4pm everything changed. I recieved a phone call, my dearest papaw had stopped breathing.

By the time I made it to the hospital they had gotten his heart started again but he was and still is unresponsive. Turns out he had another massive heart attack (he has had two in the past with the last one being in 2004 and he had 5 bypasses). The main concern though is that he is still unresponsive. He did not have a stroke but his brain was without oxygen for a period of time and now only time will tell what type of damage that has caused.

This was not how I imagined my Thanksgiving week going...I'm shocked, I'm scared, I'm humbled and I'm brought back to remember that God is in control. His plan is perfect and although we might not know what he has in store for us, it all works out for his glory. Yesterday as I drove to the hospital to be with my granny I felt as though I was running into His arms. I was calling out to him for strength, peace and grace. Within minutes I stopped shaking and was calmed. Man does it feel good to know you're being held by Jesus.

I do not know what today holds, what tomorrow holds or the day after that. Right now we just sit, wait and pray that His will be done. My papaw was a good christian man so there is no doubt that when he leaves this earth he is going to be in the presence of God and what an amazing feeling that will be for him.

Please say a small prayer for strength and peace for my family, it is greatly appreciated.

Hoping to bring you all my post on Thanks-Giving in the next day or two!!

Happy Short Week!


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