
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Annual Cobb Family Pumpkin Party

So I am finally getting around to sharing with you our Second Annual Pumpkin Party! This year rocked, we had so many people at our home and I loved getting to spend time with each and everyone of them. If only they knew what a blessing each them are to our family. It is so wonderful to have so many friends to spend time with.

This is the first party I have planned where I didn't end of up grouchy and stressed for the week prior too. I had a lot to do but everyone brought a side dish and the stuff I made was able to be done a day or two in advanced so that helped a lot!

I created these bad boys the day before!

Not to mention the morning of our Pumpkin Party I ran in my first ever Color Me Rad race in Knoxville. It was a BLAST and I will do it again each year. I hadn't ran in over a month but was able to complete the 5k in 32minutes which I didn't consider to be bad from this girl who didn't train at all.

Here I am Pre-Party, Post-Race

Once I was home I stood in the shower and watched the color run off my body...seriously I had color coming from places I would have never dreamed!  It did all come off though!

The only bit of stress I felt was that day around 2 when I was supposed to be outside decorating and it was raining. We had over 40ppl house is not that big so I was starting to freak a bit but luckily it never poured and I was able to get everything fixed up perfectly right before the party began!

The party took place in my driveway and backyard

I had to figure out a way to keep the littles ones away from the fire so this worked perfect
plus added alot more seating for everyone!

Pumpkin Bowling! Kids Loved it and super cheap and easy to do!

We also had face painting which the kiddos loved!

We let all the kids paint their pumpkins!
I forgot to take a picture but the kids also kid a cake walk and I just baked little mini cinnamon strusel cakes for them to win (plus I figured it helped the parents out for breakfast the next morning) 

I think she ended up with more paint on her face than her pumpkin!
The guys who entered the pumpkin carving contest!
So the pumpkin carving contest had a time limit. They were allowed to cut the top off first but that was it. They could start gutting it once the time started. One of our neighbors had never carved a pumpkin before so he was sure what to do so he showed up with his already gutted and outlined...he had a time penalty! lol
I think they had fun and we let the kids vote on the winner...I have to say my brother won and his pumpkin impressed me! 15min is not alot of time!
The winner!
Pumpkin Hunting
The last thing we did with the kids who remained was let them go on a pumpkin hunt after dark. I got these mini pumpkins at Michaels. I bought each bag separately and used a 50% off coupon so I only paid $1 for 6. I then bought glow sticks from the Dollar tree and slide them inside the pumpkins and hid them. The kids loved running around the yard collecting the pumpkins. I think we hid them 3 or 4 times that night!

So the party was a complete success, we had 47people at our home and loved every minute of it!! By far the biggest party we have had yet and I think next year it will only be bigger!

The best thing about this party is I did it all for under $100!! I had the decorations and alot more was given to me by a friend from when her family did Halloween parties! A neighbor let me borrow the bales of hay and another good friend helped out by bringing me some pumpkins for decor! I only had to buy the food I cooked, Chili (see my freezer food post for this awesome chili recipe here), Pumpkin Fudge and Hot Caramel Apple Spice drink and Orange kool-aid!

Oh and this $100 was budgeted into my NSM so it was complete accounted for!!

Happy Pumpkins Ya'll!!


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