
Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Angry-Bird Day

A couple months ago my first born turned 4. This birthday so far was hardest for me because it meant he was a boy...not my baby boy anymore. I wanted to make it as special as it could possibly be. For months I was working on a "Pirate Party". But a few months before his birthday he informed me he no longer wanted to de pirates but angry birds instead. Of course after I got my first IPhone he started playing the of which I still do not play. I had no clue how I was going to do that?!

If you know me then you know I am NOT crafty. I can do crafts but I normally see something someone else has done then just put my own spin on it. Luck for me a friend introduced me to pinterest last summer and I got to pinning angry bird ideas. Before I knew I had the whole party planned and ready to go.

It wouldn't be an angry bird party without a human size sling shot!

My hubs made the slingshot using a pallet, some scrap wood which he made into a footbal goal. Then using a round laundryu basket and two bungee cords and two C-Clamps hooked to the top of the goal posts for the bungee cords to wrap around.
We just bought a big red bouncy ball from Wal-Mart and I taped the angry bird face on the front!

The obstacles with small green bouncy balls!

The main attraction of the party

I normally do cakes for the kids birthday but K-man wanted a cookie cake...oh he is his mothers child so I had this super cool cookie cake done it was demolished!!

And the infamous Cobb Fruit Pizza

Bird Juice anyone?

Balloons in front of his door for him to wake up to on his birthday and a big Happy Birthday Banner

The smile on his face when he came into our room the next morning was priceless

Here he is telling me that he is now 4!!

And here we are...without the birthday boy because once the party started there was no getting him to stop!

And alas the boys took home mini sling shots (with soft water balls) and the girls got these super cute angry bird hairbows!

Such a fun party and everyone there had a blast!!

Any questions shoot em' my way!


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