
Monday, August 27, 2012

AT LAST....My Love Has Come Along

Seeing my little brother dance with his beautiful wife this past Saturday was so heart warming. The simple yet elegance of the wedding was so them (him-simple, her-elegant). They didn't want a big fancy show, just them, close friends and family, food and some fun dance music. It really was the perfect night for them.

Now let's rewind a bit to the rehearsal. The Vineyard they got married at allowed them 1hr to rehearse. Friday night at 5pm. We were all there and ready to go, 5:03 the thunder rolled...and the lightning crashed! Literally, hail and everything. So for the first 30min we all stood under the front awning of the winery looking at each other. (why we weren't inside tasting it up I dunno?). Finally when we only had 25min left we made our way to the pavillion, where the reception would be, and done a mock ceremony there. Keeping it simple, we ran through it twice and pulled out with 1min to spare.

Wheew glad that was over because this came next...

Moving on to the next morning...

Travel back in time to Middle School while getting my nails and toes done- check check
(Oh yeah they were totally rocking out Mariah Carey- One sweet Day and Brandy- For You I Will in the salon)
Starbucks with one of the greatest ppl I know- Check
Over to Sis-In-Laws for getting my hair done- Check
Wear our SUPER CUTE matching shirts with our Init's on them-Heck YEAH
Daniels Vineyard, make-up, Bride forgot ring at house, sent BIL back to house to get it...yep that happened! lol She later told me not to tell groom because she had been on him all week long about how to NOT forget the ring! Guess it's a good thing he doesn't read blogs!

We are not big drinkers but I'm loving the mason jar glasses the brides momma made! Oh and we still don't know where the stick couple came from?

I'm such a proud big sister!

The wedding was a blast. Awesome food, visiting with family and friends, dancing and then a quick clean up!

So happy for them!!

They are now celebrating it up in ARUBA. I sincerely hope they enjoy themselves because oh if they only knew what lay ahead...I remember that glorious honeymoon, 7 yrs and 2 kids ago. Where did that beautiful couple go? One of these days we will find them again but for nowK-Man and L-Bugs momma and daddy we are!

PS I love my life very much and even with the trials I wouldn't change one single minute. Now go kiss your spouse and spread some wedding LOVE!


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